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Vital Germaine provides content rich blogs with tips and tools to help you and your organization move forward.


The Art of Disruption: best practices for introducing change.

Vital Germaine





the action or process of innovating.

How does one navigate the minefield of disruption? There are 5 simple and strategic steps.

Change is one of the hardest things for humans to embrace. We are, for the most part, afraid of change and avoid it to our own personal or business detriment. Without transformation or adaptation, companies can neither remain relevant nor successfully navigate changing business climates.  

1. PREPARATION: The process begins by establishing an innovation identity whereby idea sharing, growth and innovation is encouraged if not expected. Strong leaders have the ability to sculpt a culture into a masterpiece that inspires action and innovation. Changing a cultural mindset doesn't happen naturally. It takes careful planning and preparation. It takes focused, strategic, consistent and intentional implementation strategies… that includes training and a designing an on-boarding process that identifies the right people to fit within your culture. Invest!

2. EMPOWERMENT: Leadership must listen with an open mind to new ideas and be willing to take the risk of incorporating those ideas. Idea sharing should be an efficient and streamlined process with minimal bureaucratic pain points along the way. Remove the communication clutter. Create a superhighway that connects the workforce to executive leadership. Delete the phrase, great idea but, when ideas are shared in meetings! Reframe the approach to idea sharing with “yes... AND. The phrase “yes and”, is a stable and promising lego block from which everything and anything can be designed and built. Yes… AND, in improv comedy and theatre axiom. YES, allow the idea to be heard, YES, plant the seed, YES water it... AND... nurture it with consideration and experimentation, patience and sunshine. Great leaders  empower by listening and inviting others to the “big table.”

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3. COMMUNICATION: Once new ideas have been shared, evaluated and agreed upon (or not), leadership must now clearly communicated those ideas across the system. The implementation strategy and process must be understood and reinforced consistently to become effective. What are the changes?  When and how will the changes be deployed? How will it impact the company?

There is nothing more paralyzing to employees than being left in the dark about the future. Let them know how the disruption will impact their lives. Former presidential speechwriter, James Humes says, "The art of communication is the language of leadership." - LEARN MORE

Oh, I almost forgot. What’s in it for the employees? Also, allow failure to be a part of the journey void of reprimand… accountability, yes… reprimand, NO! If people are afraid to try and fail, there will be limited innovation.

4. ACTION PLAN: Once leadership has decided on the new or revised vision or mission, it is crucial to create an effective and concise action plan. Without the solid foundation of a well crafted roadmap, the odds of failure increase exponentially. Your team members will feel lost, fearful, confused and disengaged if the new objectives are blurred. If communication of your action plan is a slow and cluttered process, then its purpose is almost defeated before it began. 

5. TRAINING: Successful companies invest in their employees  through trainings to optimize the results of new ideas. Without training, it will be difficult for your team to jump on board and run to the end-zone for a game-winning touch-down. Set your team up for success. Make it clear that the training or change is not just for the benefit of the company. Team members must have a sense of personal gain too. That’s where the empowerment factor plays a huge role.

6. CONFIDENCE: Along that precarious journey of organizational disruption, your team must feel confident on the following 3 levels.

  1. Your employees must have confidence in their leaders, confidence in the objectives and in the action plan.

  2. They must have assurance that initial failure is viewed as a stepping stone to success and not as a goodbye and thank you for your services type of outcome. If your on-boarding process is effective, you will have hired the right people... let them know you have full confidence in their abilities. Set them free and empower them to become their best selves by getting out of their way.

  3. Provide them resources and support when needed.

Disruption is not easy, but the process doesn't have to be painful, slow and filled with resistance. Leverage the tools. Become tomorrow's leader.

AT ENGAGE we specialize in transformational leadership. Our process is relevant, actionable and memorable.

As president of ENGAGE, I'd love to engage your team and initiate a cultural paradigm shift that inspires innovation and elevates market relevance. Learn more about our INNOVATION MINDSET virtual learning experience.

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Sincerely, Vital Germaine

7 Leadership Best Practices Guaranteed to Strengthen your Brand

Vital Germaine


Most would agree that strength of leadership is a key component to establishing successful cultural platforms  and organizational fortitude.  Companies can no longer rely on product alone to establish and maintain their piece of market share.

Having great leaders with strong communication skills will set your brand apart, and above the competition.

Leadership is the blood that runs through the veins of your culture. Investing in finding the right leaders who inspire greatness is crucial.  Providing them with relevant and actionable tools and training will guaranty exceptional Customer Experiences with a high ROI.

Take the time to evaluate your leadership  strength and adjust accordingly by implementing these 7 leadership qualities. They are all dependent on strong, clear, concise and effective communication.

  1. Show respect

  2. Give appreciation

  3. Have empathy and compassion

  4. Train those you lead to become leaders

  5. Lead to empower, and not for power

  6. Delegate and trust

  7. Love not fear

Jack Zenger writes a great article for FORBES, that demonstrates the direct correlation between great leaders communication and profits.

The graph below shows the impact of extraordinary leaders on the bottom line of the organization. The vertical axis shows total net income as $1.2M in losses for the bottom 10% of leaders, $2.4M for the middle 80%, and nearly $4.5M in gains for the top 10%. In summary, poor leaders lost money; good leaders made profit; and extraordinary leaders more than doubled the company’s profits in comparison to the other 90%!


To do a deep dive into modern leadership and how to inspire high performance read the book INNOVATION MINDSET (formerly titled Imagination Will Take You Everywhere).

This revised edition has new content including strategic action steps. Get your copy today.

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AT ENGAGE WE BUILD HAPPIER TEAMS AND TRANSFORM CULTURES by strengthening leadership. We'd love to engage your team and initiate a cultural paradigm shift that will result in increased profits and elevated Customer Experiences.




Thank you for reading. If this blog was of value, please feel welcome to copy, borrow and share.

Vital Germaine

A Leadership Must-To Guide to Optimize Your Team's Impact.

Vital Germaine


As leaders, we have the responsibility, the privilege and the challenge of elevating those around us whom we influence. How do we optimize the value of our team players?  

That journey begins by hiring the right people. What happens next is the defining factor. By implementing this simple strategy you'll experience a significant increase in productivity, efficiency, contribution and retention.

The most effective way to empower your team or employees is to allow them to flex their creativity and decision-making muscles. Too often we tell our team how, when and what to do. That's exactly what we shouldn't do. Instead, invite them to express their ideas and solutions. Set them free to risk and fail.

That freedom will inspire the genius you're looking for that will take your company to the next level. Leverage optimum impact by making this philosophy a part of your cultural and corporate identity. 

Your team will feel more vested in any project if they created it. If they feel they just not only created it, but also own it, they will carry the additional responsibility and nurture the project like their own baby, filled with pride, love, understanding, joy, commitment, and fulfillment. 

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As a former Cirque du Soleil performer and team captain I witnessed and experienced the value of getting out of the way. It pays high dividends to empower team players by setting them free. Dare to hand over the keys.

Show how much you value and trust your team by completely getting out of their way. Empower them with autonomy and liberty (void  of anarchy and chaos).

"It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people so they can tell us what to do." -  Steve Jobs

Nonetheless, make sure to provide your players with the appropriate environment, support, resources and tools to establish and instill confident. Let them know you are available if needed. Set them up for success.

AT ENGAGE WE BUILD HAPPIER MORE FORWARD-THINKING TEAMS AND TRANSFORM CULTURES. We'd love to engage your team and initiate a cultural paradigm shift that will result in increased profits and elevated Customer Experiences.


Thank you for reading. If this blog was of value, please feel welcome to copy, borrow and share.

The #1 tool to prevent employees from leaving

Vital Germaine

Whenever there is high employee turn over, it means they are not happy… disengaged. The simple answer to employee disengagement is, employee unhappiness. The stats are insane. Read about them.

Have you designed and created a culture in which employees feel valued? Do they experience a sense of purpose? If not, they will be secretly (or overtly disgruntled)… they may even leave one day. And that costs you time and money! Meanwhile, your customers become disgruntled and jump ship due to poor customer service or a general failure to deliver on the brand promise.

Unhappy cultures start and end with leadership.

As a former Cirque du Soleil performer, team captain, and recently as a consultant and facilitator for CIRQUE SPARK sessions (a new team development program), I learned many invaluable cultural lessons on how to inspire, empower and engage team members.

Your culture must be clearly defined, communicated and understood through your vision, mission, strategy and action plans. Keep it simple and evident. Make it diverse. Then honor it through actions and behavior. Don’t rely on words to drive your culture.

Cirque's cultural philosophy was to drive innovation and excellence by constantly challenging their team members, but also themselves as a brand to optimize Customer Experiences. As performers, we were challenged. Which meant we were continually engaged. Our ideas were heard, though not always implemented. This gave us a sense of value.

Without being challenged at work, employees tend to stagnate, they become complacent - they get bored. They leave. And if that’s not the reason, then one of your leaders (bosses), is toxic.

The challenge at Cirque was not in the form of competition (though that, too was healthy), but rather by challenging us as individuals, as a team. They invited us to not only find the solution, but to become the solution. 

We are invited and allowed to flex our creativity and decision-making muscles. By listening and building on our ideas, we felt a sense of ownership. Ownership brings great satisfaction. They provided an environment and tools filled with opportunities for experimentation, learning and growth.

The challenge cannot be overwhelming, intimidating or simply beyond the potential of your team members, less initiate fight, flight or freeze response. Yet they must be pushed beyond their comfort zones to feel alive and engaged.

There are multiple tools that Cirque implemented to keep us engaged. It ltimately it came down to one building block. Design and create a culture that is happy… working for them was not perfect, but we were happy and fulfilled for the most part. And that is the differentiator regarding employee engagement and loyalty. It’s that simple.

It takes a small minority to begin the disengagement cancer. In the book, The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell talks about the “pandemic” phenomenon. He argues that one of three reasons for a “tipping point” is what he calls, “The Law of the few”. The other 2 principals he talks about that contribute to a tipping point are:

The Stickiness Factor. Is the message being sent with impact? If you allow one bad employee to stick around or get away with stuff, the message spreads like wild fire and infects others with great consequence.

The Power of Context. The example that he gives is when bystanders do nothing at the scene of an accident, they will all do nothing. If one helps, then others follow.

AT ENGAGE Teams 360, we build happier teams. We transform cultures. We approach leadership in different and innovative ways. Why do we focus on employee happiness? Because according to Gallup, 1 in 2 employees are unhappy. Disgruntled employees cost the US economy over $400 BILLION annually. That is a very SAD statistic.

We'd love to engage your team and initiate a cultural paradigm shift that will result in increased profits and elevated Customer Experiences. CONTACT US TODAY FOR A PROPOSAL.


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Vital Germaine

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Why Ego is not the enemy.

Vital Germaine


The ego is not always negative. It can be a great motivator for achievement and growth; a tool for empowerment. 

It can be a very healthy part of our individuality... the self, me... I. It's what fuels your sense of purpose; your "Why." But this ambition can turn negative when left unchecked.

Your "Why" is a Siamese twin connected at the hip, both arguably fed by the ego but in very different ways.

The first of those twins is the Altruistic "Why"—”the beautiful twin”. That’s the politically correct sense of purpose. It’s the generous giving part of your "Why". It’s the motivation that makes you the consummate social entrepreneur or humanitarian. It’s the part of you that cares and wants to provide a service that makes the world a better place. It’s the one you read of in company mission statements designed to capture the imagination of the consumer.

The second half of your purpose is the secretive and negatively viewed Ego-Driven "Why"—”the ugly twin”. It’s the selfish reward, applause-seeking and self-validating feeling you get from your achievement, even from your giving. It’s the selfish empowering emotions of feeling relevant, loved, powerful, important, rich, accepted, elevated, and beautiful and of value (all listed traits dependent on your personality type and values). There is no need to deny that “ugly twin”.

I am by no means condoning narcissism or total objectivism. Simply don’t let the “selfish” why get the better of you and control your decisions and actions. I believe in altruism as a foundation for a better society. The irony in being selfless, is that it makes the giver feel good about themselves, which we could argue is feeding the ego by bringing value or importance to the existence of that individual. It's a slippery slope worth thinking about.

Don't feel obliged to deny your deepest needs to be "politically correct" in an age drowning in undeserved trophies and awards for participation. Life is tough. Survival and self-actualization even tougher. Don't hesitate to put the oxygen mask on first and stay alive with humility and gratitude. The more empowered you are the more you can give and empower others. The “red herring” in the “put your mask on first” concept is that it is oftentimes leveraged to validate selfishness purely for the benefit of the ego and inconsiderate of others.


The Ego only becomes negative when it blinds us of the bigger and better picture of doing the right thing at the right time for the right reasons.

The ego is a complex matter.

What is simple is that the negative Ego invites conflict, greed, disengagement, disappointment, resentment, envy, bullying, jealousy, and misunderstanding due to lack of empathy. It feasts on fear and control. None of these are positive traits of empowerment or value-creation for others and society. 

Find the balance and thrive. The choice is yours as to whether the ego is the enemy or your friend.

If this blog was of value, please like or share. Feel free to comment, even if they are ego driven :)


Vital Germaine

6 Relevant Company Culture Stats You Need to Know About.

Vital Germaine

Your culture defines your brand.  Establishing an environment that promotes and enables strong emotional connections amongst your team is crucial to the success of your organization.  It starts with executive leadership and trickles down to your interns.

Healthy and engaging cultures are about happy employees that are unified with themselves and your mission and vision. Strong and clear communication channels, and a positive attitude of collaboration and accountability fueled by trust need to be created. 

It sounds simple, yet many companies fail or overlook the value and impact their culture has on their bottom line and brand strength.


Here are the fascinating results of a survey of more than 1,400 North American CEOs and CFOs, executed by Shiva Rajgopal, an accounting professor at Columbia Business School.

1. Only 15% said their firm’s corporate culture was where it needed to be.

2. More than 90% said that culture was important at their firms.

3. 92% said they believed improving their firm’s corporate culture would improve the value of the company.

4. More than 50% said corporate culture influences productivity, creativity, profitability, firm value and growth rates.

5. Turnover at companies with a poor culture is 48%

6. Turnover at companies with a great culture is just 14%

ENGAGE is renowned for its ability to inspire teams to see beyond the ego, embrace differences and deny inhibitions. The result for you the client is a more engaged, more focused and dynamic, collaborative team effort. This promotes problem-solving, increases produtivity and efficiency. It also lays a foundation for a healthier and happier work environment where everybody can thrive and thereby strengthen your brand and increase revenue.



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Thank you, Vital Germaine

President, ENGAGE Consulting

Understanding the Millennial Consumer 101

Vital Germaine

WHO AND WHAT ARE MILLENNIALS: Born between 1980 and 2,000's (also called Gen Y). They currently make up 25% of the US population.



The only way to remain relevant and competitive in this faster-than-ever changing business climate is to adapt and embrace change. 

  1. The Millennial consumers: 

    1. They will have a purchasing power of $200 BILLION annually by 2018, in the

    2. Millennials are estimated to spend over $10 MILLION per individual in their lifetime.

    3. They are more informed through social media: research and reviews. They sometimes know more about the product you're selling than you do. They can compare product features and benefits at a single click.

    4. They are very socially aware and conscious, caring about your company values and evaluating them when making purchasing decisions.

    5. They desire an experiential shopping experience and dislike the feeling of transaction.

    6. Technology is a part of the experience they expect. Your technology better work, be user friendly and not outdated.

    7. They wish to feel engaged in the process and experience of your company and product.

    8. Millennials desire an authentic personalized experience as customers.

    9. They are influencing commerce and society at every level.

Growing up I remember hearing adults (GI Generation: 1901-1926, and The Silents: 1927- 1945) complain about my generation.

"Yes, but we at least did this and didn't do that. We had morals and didn't feel entitled. We respect our elders. We didn't have tattoos and wear ripped up Jeans. We didn't shake our hips in a disgusting manor like that Elvis guy. The world has gone down the toilet. The youth of today, they're a disgrace. Back in the day... "

I'm sure you experienced the same if your of a previous generation and you're not a Millennial or a Generation X-er.

The Millennials will one day complain about Generation Z. The cycle will continue unless we learn to accept change without fear. Whenever we don't understand a person, group or organization, we will experience resistance. It is through understanding that barriers and misconceptions are removed. 

It is through training and informing your workforce to better understanding the modern consumer mindset that you will improve customer experiences and enjoy a better portion of market share. 

Thank you, Vital Germaine

President, ENGAGE Consulting

Can't remember names?

Vital Germaine

Anybody who is familiar with, and has studied Dale Carnegie will know the value of remembering and using the names of your prospects and clients. It is a very powerful tool of persuasion and turning leads into paying customers. 



3 experiments done by The Journal of Consumer Research demonstrated that remembering someone’s name facilitates their compliance with a purchase request made by the rememberer. 

Experiment 1 showed that name remembrance increased request compliance. Name forgetting, however, does not cause a decrease in compliance.

Experiments 2 and 3 showed that name remembrance was perceived as a compliment by the person remembered, which mediates compliance with the purchase request. Experimental manipulations of the likelihood of name remembrance (experiment 2) and need for self-enhancement (experiment 3) provided results consistent with a complimentary explanation for the findings.


The 3 simple strategies:


STRATEGY 1. Repeat their name 3 times within 60 seconds

Immediately after the introduction and when receiving somebody's name, you repeat their name and give it back. If the name is unique and not easy to pronounce, when you repeat it, make sure to ask if you pronounced it correctly. People can get offended if you pronounce their name wrong. Example.

"Hi, my name is Vital. And you are?"

"I'm Erin."

"Nice to meet you Erin. Erin as in E-R-I-N."

"Oh, you're from Chicago. I love Chicago. Where abouts in Chicago Erin?"

STRATEGY 2. Use word association.

Do they have the same name as a friend? If so, connect their name to your friend. By thinking of that friend you will remember their name.

Does their name sound like another word? Example. This is a true incident that recently happened. The lady's name I met was Samela. I said her name 3 times during the first 6- seconds but felt I wouldn't remember it. I said, "Great name, very unique. How do people remember that?" She said, "Pamela but with an S." I will probably never forget her name though powerful word association.

Don't be afraid to ask people for tips on how to remember their name. They will gladly help you. 

STRATEGY 3: Visualization.

Depending on what works best for you, there are several options regarding visualizing their name. I tend to imagine seeing and reading their name printed on their forehead. 

You can visualize their name as an oversize art installation, on your computer screen, filling up the wall in your living room. Use what ever methods works best for you, but use a strategy that will help you achieve the goal of remembering names. It pays high dividends.

If they have the name of a celebrity I imagine talking to the celebrity for a moment. Example: If their name is Henry, I'll imagine them dressed as Henry VIII. If there name is Bill, then I'll imagine them using their thumb to highlight a point.

Once you have remembered their name, remember several meaningful facts about that person that you have discovered are important to them during this initial conversation: where are they from, do they have children or pets... this will provide you a platform to find common ground, making you more relatable. In addition it will help you customize the experience to their needs and personality.

Now that you have their name memorized, use if often throughout any interaction with them. BUT! Make sure to not OVER-use it. That will defeat the purpose of making them feel important and valued. 

Thank you - Vital Germaine

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Why creativity is crucial to your organization's success.

Vital Germaine

  1. Of CEOs polled, 60% agreed that creativity was the most important skill to have in a leadership role.

  2. Companies that foster creativity are 3.5 times more likely to outperform their competitors regarding revenue growth?

  3. 43% of business executives that participated in a 2014 PwC study agreed that innovation is a “competitive necessity” for their organization.

  4. A 2016 study by Nielson shows that 63% of customers like it when manufacturers offer new products.

  5. 82% of companies believe there is a strong connection between creativity and business results.

Innovation mindset.

A fundamental component of growth and innovation is a creative mindset, whereby perspectives and boundaries are broadened, attitudes are changed, horizons are expanded, scaling established and relevance maintained. This in turn sponsors the production of new and relevant ideas and methodologies. Without creativity there can be no differentiation. The modern consumer is engaged by the new, the faster and the better. 

Gallup Chairman and CEO, Jim Clifton said in a Fast Company article that, "To stay competitive, we have to lead the world in per-person creativity." 


Innovation is no easy achievement. It takes courage to implement, let alone make a part of your cultural DNA. It's your strongest differentiator! It is not an overnight outcome, but the result of ongoing and repeated exploration, risk-taking, mistakes. Organizations must have a pulse on the needs and pain-points of the modern consumer and adapt accordingly. The modern consumer desires, if not demands technology and innovation to improve and simplify their lives. 

The fact is every successful business needs innovation and a forward thinking culture in order to compete and stay relevant in todays faster-than-ever, changing business trends. Clients are hungrier than ever to find that next best thing. Creative ingenuity provides a platform upon which to shape that next best thing – be it developing memorable sensory experiences for your customers, or implementing ground-breaking marketing and sales strategies - even identifying new markets, or creating defining products that will separate you from your competitors.


At ENGAGE build happier, forward thinking cultures that elevate customer experiences and increase company profits.

We are renowned for our ability to inspire teams to see beyond the ego, embrace differences and deny inhibitions. The result for you the client is a more engaged, more focused and dynamic, collaborative team effort. This promotes problem-solving, while increasing produtivity and efficiency. It also lays a foundation for a healthier and happier work environment where everybody can thrive and thereby strengthening your brand and increasing revenue.




Optimize your team performance with these 7 steps.

Vital Germaine

It's never easy to keep your team focused, motivated and performing at optimum capacity. Flat-lining at some point seems to be inevitable. How can you prevent this ailment that costs the US economy up to $550 BILLION annually in lost productivity? More simply than you think. 

Humans tend to flat-line when they become board and uninspired, be it at work or life in general. The sense of excitement and passion withers away through repetition and monotony. Corporate bureaucracy, leadership and culture are the guilty parties. Rigid corporate strategies, rules and tradition tend to stifle passion and motivation by slowing down the process of inviting and embracing the new, the different. 

Here are the 7 steps to revitalize your workforce

1. DISRUPTIVE LEADERSHIP: The number 1 killer of innovation and employee engagement are controlling managers, rigid SOP's, un-defined cultures, and outdated strategies... "It's how we've always done it". By continually repeating yesterday's success formula, we plant the seeds of stagnation. Everybody within that static culture will disconnect from their original "why" and lose the growth mindset that keeps successful companies relevant and competitive. You risk inviting them to perform on auto-pilot. Keep them on their toes by consistently challenging them. Leadership must invite and inspire change.

Without being challenged we stagnate, GET BORED, become complacent.

The challenge is not in the form of peer rivalry and comparison, but rather healthy competition whereby they  mutually encourage and elevate each other's game.

Challenge your team by inviting them to find a solution to a problem - allow them to flex their creativity and decision-making muscles. Empower them with added responsibility. Empower them by encouraging them to express themselves and in turn listening to their ideas, suggestions and solutions.

Once you've inspired and empowered your team, get out of their way, relax and enjoy their success.

2. PERSONAL DREAMS: Also, connect their personal aspirations/dreams to the workplace so they evolve as individuals within your company - yes, you risk losing them as they pursue their own goals - but on the flip-side, do you really want their unmotivated and disengaged persona to stay and contaminate your culture, your brand and your customer base? 

3. AUTONOMY and INCLUSION: When you relinquish the reins and trust them with a project or the added responsibility, that project will feel like they own it. Ownership is powerful. They will carry that responsibility with pride because it belongs to them. They will nurture it like their own baby, filled with love, understanding, purpose, joy, commitment, passion, and fulfillment. 

4. COMFORT ZONE: Make sure that the challenge is not overwhelming, intimidating or simply beyond their ability - it will trigger a fight, flight or freeze response. However, definitely push them beyond their comfort zones. Give them the gift of control. Get management out of their flight path - take away the roadmap. Let them figure out what the destination is and how to get there. Offer support and resources when necessary. Sit back, watch them grow and fly without a net.

5. OBLITERATE THE BOX: As a former Cirque du Soleil performer, team captain and recently as a consultant and facilitator for their newly created corporate training platform called CIRQUE SPARK sessions, I learned many invaluable lessons from Cirque's philosophy. They constantly push themselves and their team members - they encouraged us to extend our vision beyond the existing horizon and ignore the limitations of the proverbial box.

6. RISK | EXPLORATION | FAILURE: The side effect is the exploration and discovery of so many more options and possibilities.  The freedom with which Cirque gifted its performers, allowed us to spread our wings, thrive and FLY WITHOUT A NET. They encouraged creativity: expression, exploration, risk-taking, and failure as an option. But without providing us the appropriate leadership, environment, tools and liberty (void  of anarchy and chaos), we would flatline, become disconnected, and lose our passion, drive and commitment to excellence.

This philosophy of empowerment inspired us to explore, learn, grow in confidence, and remain focused and committed to maintaining and enhancing the expected Customer Experience that is synonymous with the Cirque du Soleil brand. 

7. FUN: Bring it all together in an environment and culture that is fun. We learn more when having fun and are more receptive to change, growth and responsibility. Companies with fun, happy cultures experience on average 20% higher profits with elevated retention numbers.

Thank you for reading. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

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