ENGAGE Teams 360

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The Art of Purpose-Driven Communication

The greatest problem in communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished.

– George Bernard Shaw.

The three top reasons why relationships break down are:

  1. Poor Communication (see George Bernard Shaw quote above)

  2. Undefined/unmet expectations (due to poor communication)

  3. ?

The mysterious third element to broken relationships is the Art of Listening.

Beyond words, tone of voice and body language (Albert Merhabian), the biggest reason why communication breaks down is the inability to listen effectively. There are in fact 5 types of listening:

  1. Ignoring

  2. Pretend (if you have kids you’ll know exactly what this is)

  3. ???

  4. ???

  5. ???

#5 is the ultimate in listening ability.

In my online communication course, I talk about listening in great depth. I break down communication to 6 principals that are designed to help people REACH HIGHER in personal and professional relationships.


Vital Germaine,

President of ENGAGE Teams 360

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