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Vital Germaine provides content rich blogs with tips and tools to help you and your organization move forward.


What Impact Does Attitude Have at Home and at Work?

Vital Germaine

ATTITUDE affects behavior, our approach to life and work. Our perspectives are either broadened or narrowed as a result. Attitude will ultimately determine the outcome of any endeavor or pursuit. It is the heartbeat of our personal mindset and everything else that follows. It is the blood that runs through the veins of an organization. It is the oxygen that those around us breathe and it drives us forward when faced with challenges.

Positive attitudes make for happier people. When we are happy we tend to be better: we are better leaders, better employees, better lovers, better friends, better parents… better everything.

BUSINESS AND WORK: Happy, collaborative, revitalized, focused, motivated and engaged teams with positive company cultures win championships!

At ENGAGE we partner with our clients to offer relevant, actionable and impactful team development trainings, keynotes and workshops that elevate employee engagement. We build happier teams. The ultimate objective is to grow and strengthen your brand and increase sales.

Successful teams and companies have a winning mentality at the heart of their culture that is reinforced by strong leadership. They have positive attitudes filled with optimism, belief, passion, strong communication, a collaborative mentality and a clear focus on the goal.



  • Companies whose leadership rated high in ethics, employee motivation, and employee communication enjoyed 20% higher profits! 
  • In contrast, the lost productivity of actively disengaged employees cost the US economy # $370 BILLION annually.
  • Teams with a positive attitude will provide a 26% higher return on assets.
  • Companies with a highly engaged workforce improved operating income by 19.2%.
  • A 1% increase in employee commitment can lead to a monthly increase of 9% in sales.


  • How does your attitude benefit your team?
  • How would you rate your attitude and could it improve?


It is necessary to regularly self-evaluate, keeping our attitude in the right place, ensuring it has a significant and beneficial impact on our team, company culture and those in our personal lives too. It's all about what you do next, not what happened. Attitude is everything. Have a positive one. It's a choice.

For more on ENGAGE, and how our team development services can inspire relevent and meaningful paradigm shifts, log onto

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THANK YOU for reading - Vital Germaine