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Vital Germaine provides content rich blogs with tips and tools to help you and your organization move forward.


Elevate Your Leadership Worth With 2 Simple Behaviors.

Vital Germaine

It's common knowledge to say that company culture is at the heart of the success of every organization. The way in which your team interacts within itself heavily influences and determines how they will interact with your customers. However, as individuals we have the responsibility to not sit back and wait for leadership to spoon feed us on how to behave. 

As individuals we must have integrity and personal accountability in regards to our behaviors and standards if we want to succeed and elevate our value. 

Choose to "show up" for your own personal dignity and sense of integrity. Integrity is doing the right thing when no-one is watching. Doing and giving your best is always the right thing to do. 

Habit 1
  1. INTEGRITY: Your personal accountability and integrity will create positive ripples, making you a leader by example and setting the tone for others to be inspired by. Behaviors and attitudes are contagious regardless of how high or low we find ourselves on the social food chain. We can elevate or deflate. It's a choice regardless of circumstance.

Habit 2

2. ACCOUNTABILITY: I once had what most might consider a bottom of the pyramid kind of job. I washed dishes!

Washing dishes neither held me back nor allowed me to lower my standards. I was neither ashamed nor did I lose motivation or belief. I still held myself accountable to deliver results with pride and dignity. I set a personal challenge and goal to be the best dish washer in town despite hating the job. Accountability is not always easy. Integrity is easily compromised. . 

Make it a habit to always deliver the best of you. Commit to being extraordinary. Always choose to SHOW UP. Elevate your leadership and human value by doing what’s right and acting with responsibility for your choices.

Consistency transforms action into habits and habits determine who you will or won't become. Stay focused and committed because that approach will influence, overlap and benefit you in all aspects of your life.

Vital Germaine

President of ENGAGE Teams 360

Learn more in the REVISED EDITION of: INNOVATION MINDSET, shaping the mindset of innovation and transformation for leaders and cultures.

In the REVISED EDITION you will get insight into Cirque du Soleil’s highly successful and industry-defining process.

You'll learn how to inspire extraordinary performance from your workforce. The book provides actionable tools for leaders to leverage in office-space scenarios.

The book also includes interviews with thought leaders from different industries: Tim Sanders, New York Times Best-selling author and former Yahoo executive. Jordan Adler, Best-selling author and MLM Millionaire. Randy Sutton, former police detective and TV News contributor. Dennis Bonilla, Executive Dean at UoPX and former U.S. Navy Nuke!“Creativity is not a skill or a talent. It’s a mindset. Find your inner Da Vinci!”

Learn about ENGAGEteams360's leadership and culture development strategies and solutions. We are different and definitely inspire transformation.

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