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Vital Germaine provides content rich blogs with tips and tools to help you and your organization move forward.


Filtering by Category: Employee Engagement

5 Pillars That Inspire Customer Loyalty

Vital Germaine

Inspiring Customer Loyalty is a lot cheaper and impactful than short-term thinking and gimmicks that may drive immediate sales, but means your competing with everybody to have the better deal. Customer loyalty means, they will stay even if it's cheaper across the street. Think of your favorite brand (hairdresser etc). What keeps you going back?

Trader Joe’s does it right. It has the kindest, friendliest team, company culture ever. It’s evident they have:

1. Taken the time to recruit the right talent and effectively onboard.

2. Heavily invested in the training of their employees.

3. Clearly defined their culture, vision and mission beyond carefully chosen words that sound great on paper. Core values are a way of life not a theory.

4. Care about the customer and employee experience.

5. Not compromised their core values to accommodate quick profits, but rather establish customer loyalty through providing a consistent caring and kind customer experience... with a personal (human) touch.

At ENGAGE Teams 360 we help organizations build and design happier, more caring teams through our “engaging” impactful fun trainings and workshops.

Vital Germaine, President ENGAGE Teams 360 and Keynote Speaker

A Common Overlooked Organizational Growth Opportunity with Employees

Vital Germaine

What drives, inspires and motivates team members to reach higher and hit the target?

No, I mean really, what is their deepest, most defining/preserving emotional and psychological need?

It is something organizations often ignore or forget to invest in.

I’ve spent the best part of the last ten years delivering employee trainings for such companies as United Airlines and BMW. The focus has been on elevating KPIs (Key Performance Indexes) or OKR’s (Objective Key Results), culture, competencies, customer service, efficiency and productivity (which are great), and reinforcing company core values. The ultimate short-term goals are”always” elevating profits and brand strength.

Let’s take a quick look into standard anatomy of the OKR framework. See image below.


OBJECTIVES: goals that inspire and set direction (where do I need to go?)

KEY RESULTS: steps that measure progress toward a goal (how do I know I’m getting there?)

INITIATIVES: tasks required to drive progress of key results (what will I do to get there?)

These types of organizational frameworks/trainings bring incredible value. HOWEVER…

Applying this same framework to individual and personalized growth is the long-term differentiator. See image below, in particular the STAR - add personal objectives .

Investing in an employees’ personal development/objectives makes them better human beings. Good human beings are good employees. By identifying, recognizing and investing in individuality (personal aspirations/needs/expectations), and helping team members understand the essence of who they are as individuals is a long-term win-win investment.

The best leaders not only train for growth, they inspire growth!

One of the best ways to inspire any human is to SEE them. Actually “seeing” somebody is potentially the highest form of respect we can give. This elevates and empowers people to reach higher.

Give them the tools to not only learn and understand company core values, but also identify and understand their own core values. Help them see who they are themselves and how as individuals they can best fit and contribute to the company vision and mission. Help the become the best version of themselves not just the best employee. Who are THEY? What do they really WANT? What do they NEED?

Employees are rarely driven by money alone. It’s deeper than that. Money is only a conduit to attain what is truly desired and needed. The true answer to self-actualization (Maslo’s hierarchy of needs) lies deeper than money, promotion or remote work (flexibility).

Help team members have the confidence to discover themselves and know themselves. It's scary to look thyself in the eyes until you see your own soul for all its glories and fears. Down there, deeply hidden in the foundations of true their character lies the answer to who they really are and who/what they really want to be. Help them get their and they will reach higher.

It might take them and the organization a minute to truly SEE themselves! It might take years for them to discover the true self, but the journey is worth it. The investment in personal development in the workplace pays high dividends.

The reflection they will see, the self awareness they will develop, will connect them to a strong sense of purpose. Think Simon Sinek’s “Start With Why.” If that purpose aligns with your core values, vision and mission, then you have a star employee whose productivity and efficiency will soar. That mindset is contagious. It INSPIRES.

The better we know ourselves, the better we can optimize our lives. The better we can optimize our own lives, the more value we can bring to the lives of others.

In Chapter 20 of my book, THINK LIKE AN ARTIST, I share a very impactful self-discovery activity to truly give the individual a starting point to dig deeper into who they are and what drives them.

Who are you really?

My other creativity book titled, INNOVATION MINDSET is the business/leadership equivalent of THINK LIKE AN ARTIST. Request more information about my signature creativity workshop/keynote. At ENGAGE Teams 360, we love to inspire and empower through our highly interactive, fun, informative and transformational content.

Vital Germaine,

President ENGAGE Teams 360

Should a leader be feared or loved?

Vital Germaine

Niccolò Machiavelli once said, "It is better to be feared than to be loved." He claimed that fear was a better motivator than love. Therefore, fear is a more effective tool than love, concerning leadership.

I think this question has no definitive answer other than, the authenticity of that leader. Some leaders install a level of fear. Those are easier to follow IF, they are just. However, when fear is layered with inconsistency, favoritism, intimidation or bullying, then that fear will breed contempt and resentment. Overtime that leader will minimize their results.

Perhaps the only time when fear is appropriate or necessary, is fearing the fair consequences of one’s appropriate behavior in accordance to culture and expectations, or not delivering on responsibilities or expectations etc.

The leader that is loved, may be more easily “betrayed” as love is fleeting (according to Machiavelli). IF that loved leader can make tough, even heartless decisions, at the right time and for the right reasons, then team dynamics is optimized. The will not only be feared but respected. There are many styles to consider to help you optimize your style. Another element of a great leader is the ability to adapt dependent of circumstance: when, who and why.

Ultimately, leadership needs to leverage emotional intelligence and act in a way that instills trust, confidence and that inspires. Be authentic. Focus on empowerment rather than power. Be a RESPECTED leader.

One of the main driving forces behind effective leadership is communication. Learn more about communication.

Vital Germaine

President, ENGAGE Teams 360

The Basics of Great Leadership

Vital Germaine

Vital Germaine Keynote - Standing Ovation for Office Dynamics Conference

Regardless of your position or title, we are all leaders. We all influence and impact our company’s culture simply in the way we behave and show up. Great leaders learn from others and are inspired by other leaders, however, don’t rely on others to drive your behavior and decisions. Be a leader by example at all times, regardless of pay or position.

Here ar e a few basic tools to help you become a great leader.

  1. Emotional Intelligence:

    Be aware of your behavior and choices and how they create ripple affects among your team and culture. Through awareness it becomes easier to adapt and fine-tune our behavior, leading to growth and improvement. Be particularly aware of how you make others feel. Video

  2. Caring:

    Any leader that clearly communicates that they care for the well-being of their colleagues and/or team becomes a high-value person (read my book, Pink Is The Color of Empathy)

  3. Listening:

    Listening with an open, caring and understanding ear or heart is one of the most empowering things a leader can do as a leader.

    “To be an effective leader, you have to be a really good listener and not to what's being said, but to what's not being said. You have to be really observant.” - Kobi Bryant

  4. Adaptability

    The ability to pivot and change course when needed is key to human survival, let alone leadership. How flexible are you? Do you have an innovation mindset that can navigate challenges with poise and confidence. Read the book, Innovation Mindset.

  5. Inspiration

    “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” - John Quincy Adams (6th President of the United States)

  6. Collaboration:

    Short video

  7. Communication:

    To begin your journey into becoming a great leader, know that communication skills are crucial. Let’s begin with the acronym H.A.I.L from Julien Treasure (Ted Talk). Implement these four pillars of effective and confident communication and so much will improve.

    - Honesty

    - Authenticity

    - Integrity

    - Love (respect/caring)

  1. Bring it all together

Vital Germaine is Las Vegas’ most dynamic and memorable keynote speaker. Watch his sizzle reel:

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary, is that little extra.
— Jimmy Johnson

Vital Germaine, President of ENGAGE Teams 360

Employee Development versus Employee Performance _ which should you invest in more?

Vital Germaine

Most companies and organizations focus on employee training as a means to elevate performance. At ENGAGE Teams 360, we deliver a double win by training for development rather than performance.

What's the difference and what's your ROI?

There are two principals to understand that when implemented deliver totally different results. If you want better results, read on.


When leadership predominately focuses on numbers/profits, efficiency and productivity, they get short-term gains. The immediate results appear beneficial. Over time, however, productivity dwindles. Turn-over increases. Disengagement becomes a cultural pandemic and by the time it’s felt or identified, it’s too late. The fix will cost so much time, effort and resources. As a result, your organization may have alienated a large chunk of your client base. Winning back customers is simply too costly. Why would you risk losing them in the first place? Because you’re too focused on employee performance.

Investing purely for performance is short-sighted leadership. The great leaders are aware of this. They avoid it, if not negate it as a part of their cultural and business identity.

If policy and SOPs (standard operation procedures) are what drives your company, you may want to reconsider. You can’t legislate caring, desire or motivation. You can only INSPIRE it. Policy and SOPs are definitely needed as a launching pad from which to fly, however, a launching pad pointed in the wrong direction with the wrong fuel won’t reach, let alone hit the target. Your foundation needs to be adaptable, malleable and emotionally aware of what your team feels, needs, desires and expects.

If you deny the human aspect of business, you are doomed to fail. Employees are humans… sentient beings. So then what?


The real leadership flex is Investing in your employees as individuals, each with their unique set of expectations and aspirations. What’s THIER WHY? Those individuals come together to form a team.

Investing in development says you care about them as individuals rather than commodities. Most cultures are not designed to recognize this aspect of leadership and business. They get lost in the short-term vision of higher profits and increased efficiency. And that is the major faux-pas that is so common, it’s accepted as THE way to build a company. Money is never the real carrot. When companies focus on numbers, it inspires disengagement amongst their employees. Employee disengagement costs the US economy upwards of $500 Billion according to Gallup.

Remember, employees are human. They have intrinsic emotions such as the desire to feel valued, appreciated, respected, seen, heard and understood. They want to know you care about THEM: their dreams, aspirations, purpose, fears, triggers, paint-points. They don’t want to feel like meaningless pawns or robots who’s only function is to produce and produce and produce. “What’s in it for me?” they ask themselves. A paycheck? For most employees, the paycheck doesn’t validate the workload, stress and disrespect they face from bad managers and disgruntled customers. This very fact is in big part the fuel behind the “Great Resignation.” Leadership has been too preoccupied with performance. They forgot about recognizing the HUMANS who deliver their products and/or services.

Investing in employees as individuals inevitably results in elevated performance. Engaged employees who are personally challenged and empowered, feel valued and cared for. Being valued and appreciated is the most simple and impactful way to inspire people to REACH HIGHER. The best way to communicate you care about your people is to have EMPATHY… the highest form of emotional intelligence, which means you are investing in THEM.

At ENGAGE Teams 360, we focus on development rather than performance. This is one of the great innovation MINDSET lessons I learned during my five years with Cirque du Soleil as an acrobat and team captain. Do a deep dive into the INNOVATION MINDSET, which includes this specific topic in my book.

Vital Germaine, President of ENGAGE Teams 360

Leveraging your fear to fuel achievement

Vital Germaine

It has been said the we either run away from pain or we run towards pleasure. It’s called the “Pain, pleasure principal.” by Sigmund Freud.

Running toward pleasure is easier, though running away from pain is arguably a stronger motivator. It can, however, paralyze. We are afraid of pain. It brings worry and stress. Meanwhile, it inspires courage and action… change!

Many memes and acronyms claim or suggest that fear is not real. One popular one is: False Evidence Appearing Real.

Fear is very… read more:

Vital Germaine

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Optimizing Innovation

Vital Germaine

Innovation is a beautiful and necessary thing to keep any business or organization relevant.But it has to be done right and at the opportune time. Otherwise, it can be a black hole that sucks the life out of your financial resources, your time, and your passion, with a negative impact on your consumer base.

It is crucial to find a healthy balance between that which is new and different, and that which is misunderstood or too far ‘out there’. Despite all the insight and advice I give to Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies as a keynote speaker, consultant and trainer, regarding the INNOVATION MINDSET, things like; take risks, be absurd in your thinking, the objective is always to optimize the success rate of creativity in the workplace.

Innovation Mindset Keynote

If something is TOO different, it will invite fear and resistance; alienation.

If it is not new enough, it will not inspire excitation; same ol’ same ol’.

Let’s talk Alienation

If an invention, a new product or an improved service is too extreme for the market to comprehend, it will alienate the consumer base. Why? Because those consumers won’t understand this new and different thing that you are proposing. Not to mention, humans, for the most part, don’t like change, let alone drastic or radical change. They panic: fight, flight or freeze. If you have enough time or money to educate your audience, then go for it. Patience and long-term planning pay dividends.

To avoid alienation, you’ll need to place your finger on your customers’ purchasing pulse. What are their needs, expectations and desires… and of course, pain points? If you make it too different, you’ve simply added a new pain point; steep learning curve. Anybody remember Microsoft’s Vista?

Next part of the equation is understanding how informed your base is? And maybe the most important questions is, are they ready for this new thing? Lets’ not forget the element of timing. Think of the movie industry who have to determine when to release a movie. In general, product launches are carefully mapped out following extensive marketing research. Release it too soon and people laugh or run. Release it too late, and you are now no longer first to market. You’re simply a follower jumping on the bandwagon; which sometimes works a treat because it allows you to improve on the innovation.

Really pay attention to the marketplace during your ideation and R&D. Invest in understanding people; socio-economic climate, financial climate, and most definitely… trends. Don’t you dare deny trends. Every now and again, something does come along that is radically different, goes against the trend grain, and is not initially understood, yet, it eventually takes over like wildfire. Think of companies like Cirque du Soleil, Tesla, Apple and Virgin. They were all first to market, they all revolutionized their industries. Though not without resistance. Again, time and money!

Let’s not forget the negative side of the innovation graph. Some inventions or creations that were innovative but didn’t really do the research fail miserably. Failure is not bad, btw. It’s costly when risks are careless. 

For those of you who are older than Millennials, you may remember the VHS / Betamax wars. Betamax, actually had the better technology; superior resolution (250 lines vs. 240 lines), better sound, and a more stable image. Why did they not dominate and kill VHS? They didn’t understand the market. Betamax.

The “quickie” version of this tale is, porn. Yep, porn video rentals at the back of the store where men discretely shopped. Some will say it was due to the length of sports games. Betamax tapes could only record 60 minutes. VHS, 120 minutes. The word on the street is that because Betamax didn’t allow porn on its platform, men got accustomed to VHS. True or not? Either way, the moral of the story is, know the market and consumer behaviors. Create and adapt accordingly.

Do a deeper dive into the INNOVATION MINDSET… buy the book today!

Let’s talk excitation

When innovation is on time, at the right price and correctly distributed, it will excite people. Excitement is based on experiencing something new, yet relatable… and keeping up with the trends (and the Jones’). Some traditional and established companies don’t push too much for innovation, though they won’t stay completely static either. Rolls Royce doesn’t exactly bring out a new model every couple of years. Yet they have remained relevant and significant. Unlike Harley Davidson, unfortunately. They have experienced 5 straight years of dropped sales of up to 5.2% - with shares falling 4.3% to $33.37.

Companies must think ahead in order to appeal to new generations, even if the brand wishes to remain traditional. Expectations change. Standard change. Styles change… therefore so must product, services and customer experience adapt.

Keeping your audience excited will inspire repeat business. Apple are geniuses at this, though we are all waiting for the next best thing since sliced bread or the iPod. Besides an investment from Microsoft, the Iphone is given credit for not only saving Apple, but for propelling it the first publicly traded $ trillion company on the planet (2018). It has since doubled that in 2020. In big part because they are continually striving to innovate and excite.


Vital Germaine


Top-Selling Author: BUY THE BOOKS

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The ROI of ELEVATING others

Vital Germaine

Copy of Team Success_Vital Germaine.png

High value leaders, elevate. It’s that simple.

Whether you are the CEO of a Fortune 100 company, a startup with five people sharing a room and a couch, or a manager of fifty employees, or in fact, anybody with a dream or vision, allow those around you to shine and contribute their best to your cause. You can only get the best out of people if you empower them to be themselves and deliver what they have to offer in the best way they know how. That journey begins with your intentions as a leader. Are you there for power or to empower?

The more restrictions, regulations, and guidelines we impose on people, the more they are shackled and unable to flex. This does not mean chaos, a free-for-all, or mutiny. It’s something leaders must be sensitive to and aware of. 

Great leaders:

  • CARE about their people

  • INSPIRE their people

  • NURTURE their people

  • EMPOWER their people

  • TRUST their people

Putting all of these bullet points into action will offer you and your company a high ROI.

Hand over the keys and allow them to “show off” in the driver’s seat. That elevates their confidence… their worth and value. Provide them with resources. Nurture their ambitions and fears… this shows you care.

You are invited to do a deep dive to explore and learn how to be a high value leader who inspires his team in the book INNOVATION MINDSET. You’ll find clear actions steps on how be a high value leader.

Order your copy today:


Vital Germaine, President of ENGAGE Teams 360

1. INNOVATION MINDSET by Vital Germaine_cover JPEG.jpg

5 Star Reviews

🏆 This book is pure genius

🏆 Calling all leaders. I highly recommend this book

🏆 A must-have for your leadership library!!

🏆 Interesting and entertaining, genius and genuine

🏆 Brilliant

🏆 Definitely the inspiration I needed to venture outside my comfort zone and CREATE!

🏆 Great stories and illustrations of relevant and timely principles any leader, in any organization can apply to take their life and career to new heights

The book includes interviews with thought leaders from different industries:

  • Tim Sanders, New York Times best-selling author and former Yahoo! exec.

  • Jordan Adler, best-selling author and MLM millionaire.

  • Randy Sutton, former police detective and TV News contributor.

  • Dennis Bonilla, former U.S. Navy Nuke!“

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Designing Success in the Workplace

Vital Germaine


What do you think it takes for Cirque du Soleil as a brand/company and the performers to go out and deliver amazing customer experiences?

This is a question I challenge audiences with during keynotes, employee trainings and workshops. There is a clearly defined top ten list of answers that audiences express. Their top ten list reads as:





  5. RISK



  8. MONEY

  9. SPANDEX (always makes me laugh)



It was an honor to perform in 2 different shows (Mystere and Quidam) over the course of over five years and 2,000+ shows as a team captain in what has recently been called, “The new best show on earth.”

I observed and observed the approach and mindset of individuals and of the company. Here’s what I discovered.

Many perceive that the performers achieve beyond human feats (defying gravity and staring death in the face on a nightly basis)… and yes we do, thank you very much. However, the same traits that allow such athletes and artists to become extraordinary are the very same that apply to more traditional jobs, positions and successes.

When it comes to business success, it’s called leadership and team work, a.k.a. CULTURE. Cultures are built on systems and policy. The “best show on earth” is created on the same concepts of systems and policy; we call it choreography/artistic direction/production.

Success in any capacity is not random.

Success is choreographed, inspired and staged. Each amazing trick that has made you gasp during a cirque show took talent, courage, risk, dedication, vision, communication, creativity and commitment. The commitment is a KAIZEN thing (Masaaki Imai, a Japanese organizational theorist and management consultant, studied the Toyota Production System and its Lean principles and was the first to introduce the idea of Kaizen to both Europe and North America).

Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning change for the better or continuous improvement. Kaizen sees improvement in productivity as a gradual and methodical process.

The Cirque culture parallels the Kaizen philosophy. Each dance step, acrobatic flip, lighting cue etc. had potential to become better. Throw in the element of fun and freedom (but not anarchy) and you have a recipe for highly forward-thinking, happy culture that thrives. Your organization will feel the impact… as will your clients.

“We’d love to help you design a happier more creative culture through our dynamic keynotes and workshops.” Contact us today.


Vital Germaine,

President of ENGAGEteams360

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7 Tips that Inspire and Shape Profitable Cultures

Vital Germaine

Logically, we all understand that change is inevitable, in particular when it comes to business relevance and market significance. Emotionally, we resist... we push back. That resistance is called Cognitive Dissonance. It’s a major roadblock preventing cultures to thrive, in big part because many leaders are not culture centric, and don’t provide necessary training or support to their employees.



The fear of tomorrow and change can be challenging (both personally and in regards to company culture, business and leadership). If we can inspire others to live in their zone of genius, then business will benefit exponentially.

1. OPEN-MINDEDNESS: The priceless behavioral trait of open-mindedness encompasses diversity, adaptability, risk-taking and the welcoming of failure as a stepping stone to success. Not to mention, open-minded people tend to create paths that lead to new and more profitable horizons. Open minds have a positive impact on all those they encounter and influence because they listen, they consider, they explore, try, and experiment... they are curious, they learn and adapt... they change into better versions of themselves that positively influences cultures and business outcomes. "Remain open-minded as to the possibility of what could come next."
Open-mindedness, like optimism is contagious. Embrace different perspectives, consider alternative options and have the courage to entertain that which scares you or makes you feel uncomfortable... yes, STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. Don't just say it, actually do it. 

2. ATTITUDE: Attitude is sometimes the only fuel we have left in the tank when the road has been too rough and unforgiving. We can become emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually exhausted to remain optimistic. We can become blind to the need for transformation across company systems, corporate processes or SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures).  
The world is currently changing faster than at any other time in human history. We can often feel left behind and unable to adapt or reinvent ourselves. Organizations have no choice but to adapt if they wish to remain relevant. It's all about mindset. It's all about influencing those that work within your organization. Influence them to see and believe in growth and change. Innovation is a mindset.

3. DARING TO BE DIFFERENT:  When I auditioned for Cirque du Soleil back in 1993 in Manhattan (Battery Park), the first thing I noticed was how different (weird) they were. Who were these "strange" circus folk? What were they thinking and what planet were they from? Why was I even here auditioning for a circus that didn't have animals. "That's not a circus,"  I thought when arriving at the Big Top located down at Batter Park (1993). "No animals? That's silly!"
It takes courage to be "silly" and disrupt norms, standards and the status quo. It takes conviction to stick to your values when the world is heading in a different direction busy following trends and relying on metrics and stats and analytics designed to predict growth and profits.

4. CREATING A BLUE OCEAN: In retrospect, Cirque du Soleil was not silly. They were innovative. They redefined an industry with their new and different approach. They were in the process of creating a "Blue Ocean." It's a term coined in the book, Blue Ocean Strategy, by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgnie. In a nutshell, markets become over-saturated and create a feeding frenzy in which the waters become bloody (red). Through innovation a company creates unchartered waters that are fresh and blue.

Cirque's blue ocean was established through a courageous and forward-thinking mindset that "bled" through the veins of their founders into the ether of their culture. It is apparent in everything they did  and everything they were. It started from leadership downwards and back up from the front-line acrobatic warriors who organically gave the culture it's wings and heartbeat.
If your corporate warriors don't buy into the values that inspire and drive the change you need and desire, good luck. Blue oceans are built on authenticity, purpose and passion.

5. EMPOWERING AND INSPIRING: During the cirque audition, choreographer, Debbie Brown said something that blew my mind.

She said, "Show me YOUR jump, Vital."

"Show you MY jump? Really?" I thought. I'd always been shown or taught the jump the choreographer wants me to replicate.  This made no sense." I initially resisted out of fear and lack of understanding.
"Yes, I want to see YOU. I want to know what you have to say, share and express. What does your body language say about you as a unique individual and performer. We don't want to see what you've been taught."

She can't be serious I thought."Who are these crazy Canadien circus people? "Let go fo conformity. Don't count, just feel. Be free. Be YOU,” Debbie added as I explored and experimented in finding my jump. 
Up until that moment, no previous teacher, employer or choreographer had ever asked me such a question. Most bosses tell their employees what to do and how to do it without empowering or inspiring their tribe to suggest and contribute. Perhaps those bosses didn't care enough about individuals. Perhaps they are only preoccupied with employees as puppets and worker bees. Not very inspiring.

6. SETTING YOUR PEOPLE FREE: Debbie had eliminated all shackles. "Be YOU!" she had declared. That would enable me to transform and achieve my own goals too. 

In pursuing business goals, it pays when leaders and employers have enough emotional intelligence to understand what motivates their teams. Through listening and collaboration companies will increase and optimize employee engagement while driving innovation. Invite your "performers" to show them your jump. Allow them to be free. 
Furthermore, through listening and encouraging idea-sharing and expression (as was the case in the Cirque audition) leadership enables personal growth, which in turn helps employees to achieve personal goals. Challenge your team to be authentic and free to be seen, heard and understood. 

7. EXPRESSION and COLLABORATION: Debbie went down the line of other dancers during the audition. She invited us all to be uninhibited and express. Each performer came up with interesting and ridiculous interpretations, all of which seemed less embarrassing than mine. Each expression offered Cirque another option, a new platform of opportunity and innovation. 
Expression and collaboration are the corner stone of innovation and relevance. When employees are literally and metaphorically invited to the dance and are an integral part of its choreography, they become vested in a project. They take ownership. They will stick around and see it through. They will be more loyal, more engaged and more affective. 
Cirque made us feel significant through this process.  One of my favorite leadership quotes is by John Quincy Adams (6th President of the U.S) - "If your actions inspire others to dream more, do more, learn more and become more, you are a leader." We gave more and became more. Thank you Cirque du Soleil.

Read INNOVATION MINDSET and find out how you can inspire collaboration and drive a mindset of innovation within your culture.

1. INNOVATION MINDSET front cover jpeg.jpg


- A must-have for your leadership library!!

- Interesting and entertaining, genius and genuine

- Brilliant

- Oh my, the stuff I learned in this book!- Inspiring and Instructive

"I can proudly promise that by the end of this book you will possess at least 1 actionable tool, but probably several, that promote a more adaptive, expansive and encompassing mindset, that will allow you to reach higher, overcome obstacles and achieve more on all levels of life." 

The book also includes interviews with thought leaders from different industries:

  • Tim Sanders - New York Times Best-selling author and former executive with Yahoo.

  • Dennis Bonilla - Former Executive Dean UoPX and former US Navy Scientist.

  • Randy Sutton - Author, former police detective and TV News Contributor.

Thank you. If this blog was of value or made you think then please share or comment.
Vital Germaine

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