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702 523 1792

ENGAGE: Cirque-Inspired team building experiences, employee training and keynotes - For keynotes, trainings or workshops contact us at or 702. 523 1792


Vital Germaine provides content rich blogs with tips and tools to help you and your organization move forward.


Optimization of workspaces

Vital Germaine


The correlation between workplace design and employee engagement is something that shouldn’t be ignored and denied. It can be the difference between your business success and market share failure. Your client base will love you even more for getting creative with your workspace environments without knowing why. We know why… because your workforce will be inspired and engaged.

Cirque du Soleil adopted and transformed an abandoned fire station in Montreal, affectionately named Angus, to become their “factory”. There was no avant-garde interior design on display. There were no Oompa Loompas meandering the premises doing strange dances. I didn’t witness any magnificent sculptures or art, nor bright colored walls to inspire or promote creativity. All these elements would have helped. Nonetheless, the fact they had chosen an abandoned fire station sent a subliminal message that they were cool, fun, eccentric, and defying context of their market place — All with the purpose to be innovative and deliver entertainment excellence. It’s one of the key factors that sets them apart. 

Over the years, I’ve provided corporate trainings to Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies in such industries as automotive, tech, hospitality, financial, and educational. Some of the work areas, conference rooms, and training spaces were far from inspiring. Some were depressing, confining, claustrophobic, and limiting. Yet leadership wondered why their team wasn’t more inspired, more productive, more engaged, and more creative. Well, the dull, insipid grey and dirty weathered chairs, tables, and walls, don’t make them feel very valued, let alone inspired.

Vital Germaine

President of ENGAGEteams360

Vital is Las Vegas' most dynamic keynotes speaker and executive and employee development trainer. His executive leadership experiences are designed to drive innovation and inspire extraordinary performance.


Learn more about the innovation mindset.

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