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Vital Germaine provides content rich blogs with tips and tools to help you and your organization move forward.


Filtering by Tag: creativity

Why creativity is crucial to your organization's success.

Vital Germaine

  1. Of CEOs polled, 60% agreed that creativity was the most important skill to have in a leadership role.

  2. Companies that foster creativity are 3.5 times more likely to outperform their competitors regarding revenue growth?

  3. 43% of business executives that participated in a 2014 PwC study agreed that innovation is a “competitive necessity” for their organization.

  4. A 2016 study by Nielson shows that 63% of customers like it when manufacturers offer new products.

  5. 82% of companies believe there is a strong connection between creativity and business results.

Innovation mindset.

A fundamental component of growth and innovation is a creative mindset, whereby perspectives and boundaries are broadened, attitudes are changed, horizons are expanded, scaling established and relevance maintained. This in turn sponsors the production of new and relevant ideas and methodologies. Without creativity there can be no differentiation. The modern consumer is engaged by the new, the faster and the better. 

Gallup Chairman and CEO, Jim Clifton said in a Fast Company article that, "To stay competitive, we have to lead the world in per-person creativity." 


Innovation is no easy achievement. It takes courage to implement, let alone make a part of your cultural DNA. It's your strongest differentiator! It is not an overnight outcome, but the result of ongoing and repeated exploration, risk-taking, mistakes. Organizations must have a pulse on the needs and pain-points of the modern consumer and adapt accordingly. The modern consumer desires, if not demands technology and innovation to improve and simplify their lives. 

The fact is every successful business needs innovation and a forward thinking culture in order to compete and stay relevant in todays faster-than-ever, changing business trends. Clients are hungrier than ever to find that next best thing. Creative ingenuity provides a platform upon which to shape that next best thing – be it developing memorable sensory experiences for your customers, or implementing ground-breaking marketing and sales strategies - even identifying new markets, or creating defining products that will separate you from your competitors.


At ENGAGE build happier, forward thinking cultures that elevate customer experiences and increase company profits.

We are renowned for our ability to inspire teams to see beyond the ego, embrace differences and deny inhibitions. The result for you the client is a more engaged, more focused and dynamic, collaborative team effort. This promotes problem-solving, while increasing produtivity and efficiency. It also lays a foundation for a healthier and happier work environment where everybody can thrive and thereby strengthening your brand and increasing revenue.




Life lessons

Vital Germaine

There are many lessons I learned during my years at Cirque du Soleil... some of them I now use to inspire as a speaker because they relate and lend to the business world. Other lessons focus on who we are as individuals, as humans. All the lessons have helped me grow as a person and I gadly share them.

One of the biggest take aways from my 5 years in the company were the lesson learned about integrity and being authentic - being true to who we are and not being afraid of our individuality or expressing it; qualities Cirque thrived on and inspired us to be, encouraged us to do, including being CHILDLIKE and in the moment.

Here is an excerpt from the sequel to FLYING WITHOUT A NET (still yet unnamed and close to publication) - this little "tease" gives a hint as to one of those many lessons.

CHAPTER 13 ~ The Cirque Audition… continued ~

There I stood below the trapeze; confused—a part of me fearless, the other half trembling.

The first part of the Cirque du Soleil audition had been a whirlwind of exploration, discovery, some really crazy shit, and a sturdy reminder to let go of conformity, feel and express without inhibition. Debbie Brown’s creative insanity left me none the wiser, only more curious and eager to play, be silly and have fun at the expense of the clowns, midgets and sword-swallowers I thought lived at the back in trailers.

The coach, Pierre, and his quiet assistant whose name I don’t remember, placed me into a harness. It fit snug around the waist. It squeezed my inner thighs and everything in between. They attached the belt to the bungee cords by a clip that mountain climbers use.

Pierre began my crash course like he had done to the other dancers...

...Instead of dancing up there as the other dancers had done, I played like a child on Christmas day. I made up several silly spur of the moment moves: the suspended swimming frog, followed by the flying monkey, ending with the slow motion astronaut and the seventies aerial robot. I went from zero to genuine clown in under six seconds.

 “It’s fun, non?” asked Pierre.

Debbie and Pierre congratulated me.

I had apparently captured their attention, imagination and curiosity despite having no idea what I was doing. It sometimes pays to be vulnerable and authentic and just do without a plan or a sense of direction—to be spontaneous regardless of circumstance—to reconnect with one’s forgotten inner child and just be.


"It's not always easy to be in the moment, authentic and let go of your inhibitions to be free, to be vulnerable and childlike. But when I do, good things happen!"

Vital Germaine