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Vital Germaine provides content rich blogs with tips and tools to help you and your organization move forward.


Filtering by Tag: employee engagement

A Common Overlooked Organizational Growth Opportunity with Employees

Vital Germaine

What drives, inspires and motivates team members to reach higher and hit the target?

No, I mean really, what is their deepest, most defining/preserving emotional and psychological need?

It is something organizations often ignore or forget to invest in.

I’ve spent the best part of the last ten years delivering employee trainings for such companies as United Airlines and BMW. The focus has been on elevating KPIs (Key Performance Indexes) or OKR’s (Objective Key Results), culture, competencies, customer service, efficiency and productivity (which are great), and reinforcing company core values. The ultimate short-term goals are”always” elevating profits and brand strength.

Let’s take a quick look into standard anatomy of the OKR framework. See image below.


OBJECTIVES: goals that inspire and set direction (where do I need to go?)

KEY RESULTS: steps that measure progress toward a goal (how do I know I’m getting there?)

INITIATIVES: tasks required to drive progress of key results (what will I do to get there?)

These types of organizational frameworks/trainings bring incredible value. HOWEVER…

Applying this same framework to individual and personalized growth is the long-term differentiator. See image below, in particular the STAR - add personal objectives .

Investing in an employees’ personal development/objectives makes them better human beings. Good human beings are good employees. By identifying, recognizing and investing in individuality (personal aspirations/needs/expectations), and helping team members understand the essence of who they are as individuals is a long-term win-win investment.

The best leaders not only train for growth, they inspire growth!

One of the best ways to inspire any human is to SEE them. Actually “seeing” somebody is potentially the highest form of respect we can give. This elevates and empowers people to reach higher.

Give them the tools to not only learn and understand company core values, but also identify and understand their own core values. Help them see who they are themselves and how as individuals they can best fit and contribute to the company vision and mission. Help the become the best version of themselves not just the best employee. Who are THEY? What do they really WANT? What do they NEED?

Employees are rarely driven by money alone. It’s deeper than that. Money is only a conduit to attain what is truly desired and needed. The true answer to self-actualization (Maslo’s hierarchy of needs) lies deeper than money, promotion or remote work (flexibility).

Help team members have the confidence to discover themselves and know themselves. It's scary to look thyself in the eyes until you see your own soul for all its glories and fears. Down there, deeply hidden in the foundations of true their character lies the answer to who they really are and who/what they really want to be. Help them get their and they will reach higher.

It might take them and the organization a minute to truly SEE themselves! It might take years for them to discover the true self, but the journey is worth it. The investment in personal development in the workplace pays high dividends.

The reflection they will see, the self awareness they will develop, will connect them to a strong sense of purpose. Think Simon Sinek’s “Start With Why.” If that purpose aligns with your core values, vision and mission, then you have a star employee whose productivity and efficiency will soar. That mindset is contagious. It INSPIRES.

The better we know ourselves, the better we can optimize our lives. The better we can optimize our own lives, the more value we can bring to the lives of others.

In Chapter 20 of my book, THINK LIKE AN ARTIST, I share a very impactful self-discovery activity to truly give the individual a starting point to dig deeper into who they are and what drives them.

Who are you really?

My other creativity book titled, INNOVATION MINDSET is the business/leadership equivalent of THINK LIKE AN ARTIST. Request more information about my signature creativity workshop/keynote. At ENGAGE Teams 360, we love to inspire and empower through our highly interactive, fun, informative and transformational content.

Vital Germaine,

President ENGAGE Teams 360

Employee Development versus Employee Performance _ which should you invest in more?

Vital Germaine

Most companies and organizations focus on employee training as a means to elevate performance. At ENGAGE Teams 360, we deliver a double win by training for development rather than performance.

What's the difference and what's your ROI?

There are two principals to understand that when implemented deliver totally different results. If you want better results, read on.


When leadership predominately focuses on numbers/profits, efficiency and productivity, they get short-term gains. The immediate results appear beneficial. Over time, however, productivity dwindles. Turn-over increases. Disengagement becomes a cultural pandemic and by the time it’s felt or identified, it’s too late. The fix will cost so much time, effort and resources. As a result, your organization may have alienated a large chunk of your client base. Winning back customers is simply too costly. Why would you risk losing them in the first place? Because you’re too focused on employee performance.

Investing purely for performance is short-sighted leadership. The great leaders are aware of this. They avoid it, if not negate it as a part of their cultural and business identity.

If policy and SOPs (standard operation procedures) are what drives your company, you may want to reconsider. You can’t legislate caring, desire or motivation. You can only INSPIRE it. Policy and SOPs are definitely needed as a launching pad from which to fly, however, a launching pad pointed in the wrong direction with the wrong fuel won’t reach, let alone hit the target. Your foundation needs to be adaptable, malleable and emotionally aware of what your team feels, needs, desires and expects.

If you deny the human aspect of business, you are doomed to fail. Employees are humans… sentient beings. So then what?


The real leadership flex is Investing in your employees as individuals, each with their unique set of expectations and aspirations. What’s THIER WHY? Those individuals come together to form a team.

Investing in development says you care about them as individuals rather than commodities. Most cultures are not designed to recognize this aspect of leadership and business. They get lost in the short-term vision of higher profits and increased efficiency. And that is the major faux-pas that is so common, it’s accepted as THE way to build a company. Money is never the real carrot. When companies focus on numbers, it inspires disengagement amongst their employees. Employee disengagement costs the US economy upwards of $500 Billion according to Gallup.

Remember, employees are human. They have intrinsic emotions such as the desire to feel valued, appreciated, respected, seen, heard and understood. They want to know you care about THEM: their dreams, aspirations, purpose, fears, triggers, paint-points. They don’t want to feel like meaningless pawns or robots who’s only function is to produce and produce and produce. “What’s in it for me?” they ask themselves. A paycheck? For most employees, the paycheck doesn’t validate the workload, stress and disrespect they face from bad managers and disgruntled customers. This very fact is in big part the fuel behind the “Great Resignation.” Leadership has been too preoccupied with performance. They forgot about recognizing the HUMANS who deliver their products and/or services.

Investing in employees as individuals inevitably results in elevated performance. Engaged employees who are personally challenged and empowered, feel valued and cared for. Being valued and appreciated is the most simple and impactful way to inspire people to REACH HIGHER. The best way to communicate you care about your people is to have EMPATHY… the highest form of emotional intelligence, which means you are investing in THEM.

At ENGAGE Teams 360, we focus on development rather than performance. This is one of the great innovation MINDSET lessons I learned during my five years with Cirque du Soleil as an acrobat and team captain. Do a deep dive into the INNOVATION MINDSET, which includes this specific topic in my book.

Vital Germaine, President of ENGAGE Teams 360

The ROI of ELEVATING others

Vital Germaine

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High value leaders, elevate. It’s that simple.

Whether you are the CEO of a Fortune 100 company, a startup with five people sharing a room and a couch, or a manager of fifty employees, or in fact, anybody with a dream or vision, allow those around you to shine and contribute their best to your cause. You can only get the best out of people if you empower them to be themselves and deliver what they have to offer in the best way they know how. That journey begins with your intentions as a leader. Are you there for power or to empower?

The more restrictions, regulations, and guidelines we impose on people, the more they are shackled and unable to flex. This does not mean chaos, a free-for-all, or mutiny. It’s something leaders must be sensitive to and aware of. 

Great leaders:

  • CARE about their people

  • INSPIRE their people

  • NURTURE their people

  • EMPOWER their people

  • TRUST their people

Putting all of these bullet points into action will offer you and your company a high ROI.

Hand over the keys and allow them to “show off” in the driver’s seat. That elevates their confidence… their worth and value. Provide them with resources. Nurture their ambitions and fears… this shows you care.

You are invited to do a deep dive to explore and learn how to be a high value leader who inspires his team in the book INNOVATION MINDSET. You’ll find clear actions steps on how be a high value leader.

Order your copy today:


Vital Germaine, President of ENGAGE Teams 360

1. INNOVATION MINDSET by Vital Germaine_cover JPEG.jpg

5 Star Reviews

🏆 This book is pure genius

🏆 Calling all leaders. I highly recommend this book

🏆 A must-have for your leadership library!!

🏆 Interesting and entertaining, genius and genuine

🏆 Brilliant

🏆 Definitely the inspiration I needed to venture outside my comfort zone and CREATE!

🏆 Great stories and illustrations of relevant and timely principles any leader, in any organization can apply to take their life and career to new heights

The book includes interviews with thought leaders from different industries:

  • Tim Sanders, New York Times best-selling author and former Yahoo! exec.

  • Jordan Adler, best-selling author and MLM millionaire.

  • Randy Sutton, former police detective and TV News contributor.

  • Dennis Bonilla, former U.S. Navy Nuke!“

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Vital Germaine

What is customer service without caring?

Caring brings value to relationships, ranging from personal to business. Without the element of care, customer service, sales and the building of meaningful relationships is a massive challenge. An even bigger challenge is to get those who don’t care, or care very little to up their game.



Empathy is now being taught at school. For some it’s an innate character trait, for others it’s learned behavior. The good news is that anybody with a decent level of empathy and a sprinkle of care in their heart will be great at customer service, building healthy relationships and succeeding.

Anthony Gucciarda, a natural health and human empowerment writer, speaker, and entrepreneur says, "Empathy is the highest form of intelligence." In an age when Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is becoming more relevant than ever (a trend), it is a gift that needs to be promoted and elevated by leadership as a requirement.

If your culture or team lacks care, don’t give up. Ask your, “I couldn't care less,” employees to try and imagine what it would be like in the customer's shoes or simply the shoes of anybody else. Ask your employees if they like to feel important, appreciated and valued. The answer will be yes. In the event that the answer is no and you have heavily invested in them with no success, it means they might be an ass-clown or a heartless sociopath. Send them on their merry, "don't give a crap!" way. Not everybody can be turned around through coaching. Know when to let go.



Even people that don't care, know how to be kind, polite and friendly. These are traits of people who do care. They are behaviors that can be taught or “faked”. Remind your non-caring employees regularly to be kind, polite and friendly. Teach them caring vocabulary; "hello, I can help you, you're welcome, sorry (when needed), thank you, goodbye, visit again..." Learn more about communication in our training course: PURPOSE DRIVEN COMMUNICATION

Invest time in your people consistently through coaching and training. The new behaviors will eventually become a habit or even better, a new lifestyle. Implement the 21/90 Rule for best transformation results.



A smile is so easy to share... even if you don't care. It’s a powerful tool. A smile is the most recognized non-verbal expression of goodness. A smile says that you are inviting a connection. It suggests you will be helpful and caring. I've seen the most indifferent people smile and look like they actually care. Danish musician, conductor and comedian, Victor Borge said, "A smile is the shortest distance between two people." Smiles are contagious if not infectious. Share many, often.

As leaders make sure that you embody the behaviors you desire from your team. Authenticity and integrity go a long way initiating cultural shifts. Non-verbal communcation (facial expressions and tone of voice) make for 38% of communication according to Albert Merhabian. 55% is through body language, with the remaining 7% the words we use.



Invite your employees to be curious about your customers (internal and external). Train and coach your employees to create strong human connections by being curious about the customer and their needs. Encourage them to go beyond the standard “needs analysis". Have them ask clients meaningful questions to get to know them. These questions should be somewhat personal but not invasive... don't be creepy!

Questions are the base of your needs analysis process, however, meaningful questions reveal more about your customer on a personal level (personalization and customization opportunity). Meaningful questions give the appearance that you care.  Meaningful questions also provide up-sell and cross-sell opportunities. Win win.

Questions should be open-ended ones that initiate a dialogue with a focus on the subject at hand… not the self. Be curious as to:

  • Who they are...

  • What they might enjoy... 

  • What are their interests/hobbies. 

Curiosity will make them feel like you care.


Your organization needs leaders who inspire the desire to care… leaders who are passionate about the vision and mission of your brand and who will inspire team members to embody the values that define your organization.

“If your actions inspire others to learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” - John Quincy Adams.

If your lesser employees don't care about the company culture and their customers, there are ways to motivate them to act accordingly. Perhaps those lesser employees care about their personal performance. We all have a motivational trigger. Find what motivates people in your team and leverage those personal triggers. Speak their individual language. Fuel their ego to obtain the needed results. 

Ultimately you can't force change, you can only inspire it! The best form of leadership is by example… It starts with you and the cultural values. Lean on your all stars. Solicit their support to inspire the desired transformation. It won’t happen overnight. You’ll need a well designed action plan that is consistently and systematically implemented and re-inforced.

Thank you,

Vital Germaine, President ENGAGE Teams 360.


If you CARE to comment or share your best practices on how to turn non-caring employees into Customer Experience ambassadors, please do. You will provide great service to many executives, managers and leaders. Please share or forward this article to anybody you think would benefit.

Vital is Las Vegas' most dynamic keynotes speaker and corporate trainer. Contact him today to learn more about his team development and leadership experiences. They are designed to inspire extraordinary performance.


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Optimize your team performance with these 7 steps.

Vital Germaine

It's never easy to keep your team focused, motivated and performing at optimum capacity. Flat-lining at some point seems to be inevitable. How can you prevent this ailment that costs the US economy up to $550 BILLION annually in lost productivity? More simply than you think. 

Humans tend to flat-line when they become board and uninspired, be it at work or life in general. The sense of excitement and passion withers away through repetition and monotony. Corporate bureaucracy, leadership and culture are the guilty parties. Rigid corporate strategies, rules and tradition tend to stifle passion and motivation by slowing down the process of inviting and embracing the new, the different. 

Here are the 7 steps to revitalize your workforce

1. DISRUPTIVE LEADERSHIP: The number 1 killer of innovation and employee engagement are controlling managers, rigid SOP's, un-defined cultures, and outdated strategies... "It's how we've always done it". By continually repeating yesterday's success formula, we plant the seeds of stagnation. Everybody within that static culture will disconnect from their original "why" and lose the growth mindset that keeps successful companies relevant and competitive. You risk inviting them to perform on auto-pilot. Keep them on their toes by consistently challenging them. Leadership must invite and inspire change.

Without being challenged we stagnate, GET BORED, become complacent.

The challenge is not in the form of peer rivalry and comparison, but rather healthy competition whereby they  mutually encourage and elevate each other's game.

Challenge your team by inviting them to find a solution to a problem - allow them to flex their creativity and decision-making muscles. Empower them with added responsibility. Empower them by encouraging them to express themselves and in turn listening to their ideas, suggestions and solutions.

Once you've inspired and empowered your team, get out of their way, relax and enjoy their success.

2. PERSONAL DREAMS: Also, connect their personal aspirations/dreams to the workplace so they evolve as individuals within your company - yes, you risk losing them as they pursue their own goals - but on the flip-side, do you really want their unmotivated and disengaged persona to stay and contaminate your culture, your brand and your customer base? 

3. AUTONOMY and INCLUSION: When you relinquish the reins and trust them with a project or the added responsibility, that project will feel like they own it. Ownership is powerful. They will carry that responsibility with pride because it belongs to them. They will nurture it like their own baby, filled with love, understanding, purpose, joy, commitment, passion, and fulfillment. 

4. COMFORT ZONE: Make sure that the challenge is not overwhelming, intimidating or simply beyond their ability - it will trigger a fight, flight or freeze response. However, definitely push them beyond their comfort zones. Give them the gift of control. Get management out of their flight path - take away the roadmap. Let them figure out what the destination is and how to get there. Offer support and resources when necessary. Sit back, watch them grow and fly without a net.

5. OBLITERATE THE BOX: As a former Cirque du Soleil performer, team captain and recently as a consultant and facilitator for their newly created corporate training platform called CIRQUE SPARK sessions, I learned many invaluable lessons from Cirque's philosophy. They constantly push themselves and their team members - they encouraged us to extend our vision beyond the existing horizon and ignore the limitations of the proverbial box.

6. RISK | EXPLORATION | FAILURE: The side effect is the exploration and discovery of so many more options and possibilities.  The freedom with which Cirque gifted its performers, allowed us to spread our wings, thrive and FLY WITHOUT A NET. They encouraged creativity: expression, exploration, risk-taking, and failure as an option. But without providing us the appropriate leadership, environment, tools and liberty (void  of anarchy and chaos), we would flatline, become disconnected, and lose our passion, drive and commitment to excellence.

This philosophy of empowerment inspired us to explore, learn, grow in confidence, and remain focused and committed to maintaining and enhancing the expected Customer Experience that is synonymous with the Cirque du Soleil brand. 

7. FUN: Bring it all together in an environment and culture that is fun. We learn more when having fun and are more receptive to change, growth and responsibility. Companies with fun, happy cultures experience on average 20% higher profits with elevated retention numbers.

Thank you for reading. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

If this blog was of value, please feel welcome to comment, steal, borrow and share.



Becoming a better leader through communication skills.

Vital Germaine

I recently experienced a very unique and memorable Leadership Excursion. What made it so memorable is that horses were both the teacher and the student. The experience reinforced the power and impact of our non-verbal communication.

Here are 3 crucial take aways that will make you a stronger leader and more effective communicator. 

1.    Self-awareness

The Horsemanship Leadership Excursion began with the trainer (Kaitlyn), and owner Kri, helping us understand the fragility in developing a strong bond between the horse and the trainer. Be trustable, likable and relatable - this definitely applies in real world scenarios. Each horse is very unique, as are humans. Both the horse and the human participants are observed in regards to their characteristic strengths and weaknesses. That information is shared to help build self awareness (emotional intelligence), with the objective that leaders and employees can grow and improve their skills and clarity of communication and elevate engagement.

An organic synergy needed to be developed between horse and trainer, with the horse being very sensitive to all levels of the trainer’s energy and personality. The stronger and more streamlined the synergy or relationship is, the greater the odds of success… perhaps this sounds just like the workplace and client experiences you live.

 2.    Clarity and Simplicity

For those of you familiar with Albert Merhabian, you will know that 55% of communication is body language, and only 7% are words, with the remaining 38% based on facial expressions or tone of voice. Most of us confuse our colleagues because our words and facial expressions don’t fully align with what our body is saying. We complicate the communication with unnecessary information. If Mehrabian’s 7%-38%-55% rule is true, then how often have I (you) potentially confused team members through incongruent communication.

Miscommunication costs organizations money!

David Grossman reported in “The Cost of Poor Communications” that a survey of 400 companies with 100,000 employees each cited an average loss per company of $62.4 million per year because of inadequate communication to and between employees. Debra Hamilton asserted, in her article “Top Ten Email Blunders that Cost Companies Money,” that miscommunication cost even smaller companies of 100 employees an average of $420,000 per year.

 A Watson Wyatt study found that companies that communicate most effectively are more than 50% more likely to report turnover levels below the industry average compared with only 33% for the least effective communicators.

3.    Anticipation

The horse trainer highlighted that the major component of effective interaction and “teambuiling” was her need to anticipate the horses behavior. This made me think of how great leaders are sensitive/aware to the pulse of their workforce. It allows them to make needed adjustments ahead of time, minimizing roadblocks or loss of enthusiasm. Equally, in order for business and organizations to remain relevant and competitive, they must be fully aware of shifts in markets and trends… they must anticipate on all levels.

Bring it together. Implement these 3 steps and experience a significant improvement in all your personal and business relationships. Employee productivity and company efficiency will also increase.


Vital Germaine

President of ENGAGEteams360

Top-selling author, Vital Germaine is also Las Vegas' most dynamic keynotes speaker and corporate trainer. His sessions are an experience designed to inspire extraordinary performance. BOOK VITAL TODAY for:

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Is motivation an empty promise.

Vital Germaine


We’ve entered an era with motivation pops up everywhere in our lives. Do more of this! Try these 3 steps! Be positive! That’ not really how motivation works.

Ironically, I am considered or called a motivational speaker. I've never liked that label. As a speaker and trainer, I only INSPIRE action or change. CNN legal and social commentator  and "motivational" speaker, Mel Robbins, gives a great talk on this topic

mo·ti·va·tion ˌmōdəˈvāSH(ə)n/noun: the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.

What is motivation?

Motivation is not an external force. It is an internal desire, hunger or need to change something.  It’s built on your sense of purpose (your WHY). Finding your purpose is not an overnight solution. It’s something that is cultivated over time. Yes, some know without a doubt what their purpose and passion is at a very young age. Most aren’t that fortunate. Be patient in finding your purpose. Nuture it consistently until it becomes evident and fuels your drive. Don’t really on others to motivate you… that’s only short-term fuel that won’t get you there.

The only "motivation" somebody can gift you with is to help you feel empowered by building your confidence and belief, or providing hope that they can - the can only inspire you. Add enthusiasm or optimism to that inspiration and you are cleared for take off.

Don’t be fooled by short-term promises disguised as motivation. Dig deeper and find true motivation (purpose) within YOU. Understand what you really want by digging deeper than the superficial desire.

Something probably happened during your childhood (positive and/or negative) that established your sense of purpose. Take time to connect with that most authentic WHY. You will be surprised!

If this blog was of value, please feel welcome to comment, steal, borrow or share.

Thank you for reading,


Why Employees Quit

Vital Germaine

We have all experienced at one point in our careers where we simply no longer wanted to be at work. It could have been due to standard burn out or a change in our career goals/objectves… need of a new challenge..

There are usually two reasons or two typical symptoms of the unhappy disengaged employee, inspiring them to quit.

  1. Bad leadership:

    ONE bad boss can be enough to determine it’s time to go. It’s that bad boss who disrespects, bullies, harasses you. The one who is indifferent and insensitive, rude, belittling or simply doesn’t like you and makes it evident.

    Such bosses heavily affect employee performance. Maybe employees take a few more sick days as a result (attendance). Some of them become less effective or less focused/comitted on the job (loss in productivity/efficienty). Perhaps that employees attitude become negative… which is highly contagious. They may become more confrontational, even a bad employee as a result. Many a good employee has become a bad employee due to anemic/toxix leadership or management.

    Too many companies allow bad bosses to remain in positions of management or leadership without fully realizing the negative impact they have on the company bottom line and customer experience! Sometimes it's a reflection of the CEO or executive leadership and culture they have established by example and lack of emotional intelligence. Execs… you need training too.  Contact us to learn more about our executive coaching programs.

    As leaders it's wise to frequently self evaluate and make sure you are not the bad boss that makes people quit. Be the boss that inspires greatness. Lead to empower not to have power.



    • The number 1 reason why people quit their jobs is a bad boss or immediate supervisor - Gallup poll of more than 1 million employed U.S. workers.

    • 2 MILLION Americans a month voluntarily quit their jobs - The US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics

    • Gallup survey of 25 million employees, part time and full time, in 189 different countries. They concluded that 1 in 2 employees are not happy at work.

    • Disengaged employees cost the US economy upwards of $350 million.

2. A lack of purpose:

Finding meaning in our work is a great motivator. As Simon Sinek says, “Start With Why”. Even though he meant as a business model, as in Apple’s approach to their products and service, the same “why'“ applies to the workforce. A paycheck is rarely the incentive to elevate employee engagment, unless it’s such a large amount that an employee witll put up with the lack of inspiration. Employees must feel INSPIRED.

Leadership must constantly and respectfully reinforce the value, meaning and impact of the work they do. People of not just driven by a paycheck. If a company isn’t offering work that provides value and truly changes the lives of its customers, they may find that over time, their workforce will inevitably become disengaged. It costs businesses not only dollars in lost productivity, but heavily impacts customer experience and the reputation of a brand. It only takes one bad manager or boss to cause a chain reaction within your culture. It only takes one minor shift in how leadership views and treats its employees to inspire meaning and motivation. Most human beings want to be seen, hear and understood. They want to know they bring value, are valued and make a difference.

If this blog was of value, please feel welcome to borrow and/or share. 

THANK YOU for reading - Vital Germaine


Vital Germaine


Actively disengaged employees cost the US economy $500 billion annually, simply because they are not happy!



  • Is your company culture, or your leadership, remotely contributing to this statistic?

  • Are you inspiring greatness, peak performance, collaboration and happiness from your employees.

  • Is your team as engaged as they should or could be?


The mental wellness of your work force and company culture has such profound effects on your company's bottom line.  It's simple!  When we’re happy, we’re simply better. We’re better leaders, better lovers, better parents, employees, friends… better everything.

Have you ever noticed that when you are happy, things fall into a place a little easier: the sky's a little bluer. You don't notice all the red lights on the way to work - in fact, there are no red lights. When our mindset is positive, we have more clarity, more energy, more focus and of course more confidence. WE BECOME BETTER LEADERS... BETTER HUMAN BEINGS.

The math behind a happier mindset. Happy, forward thinking companies are up to %20 more profitable according to Gallup.  

There is sadly not enough happiness in the workplace.

According to a Gallup, who surveyed 25 million employees in a 189 different countries, to determine employee satisfaction and engagement, concluded that 1 in 2 employees are not happy at work! 

By inspiring relevant paradigm shifts within yourself as well as your company culture, these "unhappy" facts can be turned around very easily. The change will stimulate personal and professional growth and benefits.

On a spiritual level, one could say HAPPINESS is a question of vibrating at a higher frequency. On a chemical or scientific level, it's about stimulating the production of key hormones like, Serotonin, Oxytocin and my favorite, Phenylathamine (chocolate!!!).  Be it spiritual or scientific, happiness is in part due to mindset, lifestyle, attitude and perspective. It's the result of a series of choices; but there is more than that (for another blog).

Is your leadership stimulating happiness and satisfaction in your team, thus maximizing their contribution and impact to the relevance and growth your company (or your own life)? If so, SMILE and be happy - stay calm and carry on :)

If this blog was of value, please feel welcome to borrow and/or share.