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Vital Germaine provides content rich blogs with tips and tools to help you and your organization move forward.


How do winning teams win?

Vital Germaine


Success is not a random act. It’s a collection of well planned and executed steps that you commit to over extended periods of time. Talent doesn’t guarantee it. Money doesn’t either.

When it comes to building a strong and successful business, brand or organization it’s like a delectable meal, an amazing show or a movie that touches your soul and transforms you. It takes many people (a team) who are all on the same page driven by a singular vision and purpose. All players must understand, be inspired by and believe in that vision/purpose. They must all commit to that vision, all the while being invited to add or influence the destination… yes, a TEAM that breathes as one.

Each and every person involved (who has of course been carefully selected and onboarded) must play their part at the exact time that is expected and needed. If one person drops the ball or is late to the dance, the magic is no longer. The customer is disappointed and the brand suffers. Every single cog in the machine must be oiled and fine-tuned to function with the accuracy of a Swiss watch. A well-oiled machine is regularly looked at and maintained (training/revaluation/innovation).

THE UNseen


Just like the the image of an iceberg as a metaphor of what success looks like (that the majority of that mass, or hard work, happens out of sight below the visible surface). It’s the pre-planning, the trouble shooting, the R&D, the recruitment and onboarding, the training and coaching, the building of the right culture fueled by inspirational leaders that act as the launching pad.

Without a strong and solid launch, the rocket won’t reach orbit, let alone the stars. Establish the foundation first! As an entrepreneur that might be the business plan: vision, mission, moto etc. As an organization it’s the core values that define your culture (but only if leadership embodies the core values.)

I learned and understood this process of success as a teen when playing for the National Youth Soccer Team of Belgium. I played one match! We got our asses kicked by the taller, quicker and stronger Dutch team. Not only were their players better, they were by far better organized. It was evident they had played together longer and had been well coached and trained. The defeat hurt. I realized that talent wasn’t enough. Even if I worked on myself and became the best, I would be nothing without my team, including all that happens behind the scenes.

This lesson was reinforced and magnified when I ran away with Cirque du Soleil. They went through all the basics: great scouting and onboarding followed up by big time investment in their team players. The canon nurtured and inspired greatness. Everybody in every single position was the right person who contributed to the vision. We were all very unique, but together, the concoction was electric.

Optimizing individuality (not dulling it) in alignment with the bigger picture (the vision) is crucial. Each player must understand their role: when, what, how… and WHY. At Cirque that can be:

  1. The musician adding an accent at the perfect time to elevate the impact of a trick. If the musician forgets, it won’t kill the show, but it has nonetheless slightly diluted the impact on the audience experience.

  2. The physio team putting Humpty Dumpties back ASAP. An unhealthy team can’t deliver optimum performance (physically, emotionally and mentally).

  3. Make-up, wardrobe and lighting adds layers of intrigue to the performance. This impacts the story and the emotional connection.

  4. Technicians executing cues on time. Despite the seeming “freedom” of the lifestyle within this artistic environment, there is a vigorous structure that must be honored.

  5. Tickets being sold. Each an every touch point along that sales journey impacts the customer experience. If the sales process lacks, it could costs your company $$$$. Is your sales team well informed and supported with training, effective communication and resources?

  6. Popcorn and other concession being sold in a way that enhances the customer experience (quickly, well packaged, reasonable pricing for the brand promise)?

  7. Coaches helping performers improve through ongoing training and practice.

  8. The marketing team understanding the product and messages to capture the magic and sharing with the world… the company’s WHY!

  9. The logistics team making sure everything arrives as should be.

  10. Leadership keeping the machine on track and always inspired to try more… to REACH HIGHER.


View your business as a show that includes the equivalent ingredients or components as the above list. Rehearse it well, allowing for adaptation and maturity and abracadabra… MAGIC!

As a result, your brand will stand out and become the new “Best show on earth,” as Cirque du Soleil have recently been labelled. Find the right talent. Train your acrobats, musicians and dancers well, and then invest some more. They must all know where to be at what time, what to do and how to do it. Communicate the vision so they can perform and be extraordinary. Magic doesn’t happen on its own.

Take a look at our “INSPIRATIONAL LEADER” virtual training. Let’s get your team reaching higher, together.


Vital Germaine


You are invited to do a deep dive into the art of inspiring others to reach higher in my book INNOVATION MINDSET. Order your copy today:

1. INNOVATION MINDSET by Vital Germaine_cover JPEG.jpg

INNOVATION MINDSET is designed for entrepreneurs, business owners, executives, leaders and cultures to be inspired and enabled to navigate change. It includes a series of action steps to simplify transformation. As a bonus the tools will also have a positive impact on your personal life.

5 Star Reviews

🏆 This book is pure genius

🏆 Calling all leaders. I highly recommend this book

🏆 A must-have for your leadership library!!

🏆 Interesting and entertaining, genius and genuine

🏆 Brilliant

🏆 Definitely the inspiration I needed to venture outside my comfort zone and CREATE!

🏆 Great stories and illustrations of relevant and timely principles any leader, in any organization can apply to take their life and career to new heights

The book includes interviews with thought leaders from different industries:

  • Tim Sanders, New York Times best-selling author and former Yahoo! exec.

  • Jordan Adler, best-selling author and MLM millionaire.

  • Randy Sutton, former police detective and TV News contributor.

  • Dennis Bonilla, former U.S. Navy Nuke!“