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The Diversity Gap. Why it's not closing.

Vital Germaine

Have diversity programs had an impact? The simple answer is, not really. But why, and what needs to happen instead?

Diversity and inclusion have helped in terms of social progression, but the platform only offers a meager consolation prize to the people it’s designed to elevated. It doesn’t remotely attempt to achieve the ultimate objective, which is harmony, acceptance, respect, recognition and the elevation of “social subgroups” who for too long have been alienated, marginalized and deemed as “inferior”.

According to the Harvard Business Review, diversity programs simply don’t work.


Inclusion doesn’t mean I have a voice. It means I am allowed to attend the party… but not enter the VIP area, let alone have a say in what kind of party, when and where it will be held, who is invited, what will be served and what the theme is or what the rules are. Inclusion isn’t empowerment. It’s a numbing agent to keep minorities celebrating a fake victory.

The ultimate prize is Equity and Representation. What’s the difference between Diversity and Inclusion versus Equity and Representation?

DIVERSITY: respecting individual differences

INCLUSION: experiencing a sense of belonging and feeling valued.

Neither of these 2 pillars are a solid foundation because they don’t address the real issue. They offer a form of consolation prize. “I respect you’re different, and I want you to feel valued… however, you can only climb the corporate ladder to a position of management. You can’t be the CEO or President… which means you’re not a part of the decision-making.”

EQUITY: this is about creating equal access to opportunity. This is currently not in effect due to intentionally designed systems that established the foundation of this country. Opportunity has increased since the Civil Rights’ movement, but it’s far from EQUAL OPPORTUNITY.

REPRESENTATION: each faction of society has a voice and a say.

Case in point.

Imagine if the SCOTUS was made up of a majority of gay black women? How would legislation and the interpretation of laws be different than to what they are now? For one, gay marriage would never be a talking point but rather a standard constitutional right like it is for “traditional” marriages. That’s what representation does. That thought may scare many of you... change and innovation are indeed scary, yet inevitable. Without equity and representation, it’s just a consolation prize. Time to bridge the gap and reach the mountain top. I think Martin Luther King would agree. Further more, I truly believe that American can, should and wants to do better than it is.

The question now becomes, do you want to help pave that path and be a part of the change, because it’s not a race thing, or a gay thing, or culture thing… it’s a human thing.

The other beautiful and meaningful aspect of equity and representation is how it will inspire the next generation to reach higher. Great leaders inspire others to reach higher. In fact, my favorite leadership quote is by John Quincy Adams (6th President of the US), said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.

Vital Germaine