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Vital Germaine provides content rich blogs with tips and tools to help you and your organization move forward.


Who Really Drives the Results of DEI Initiatives?

Vital Germaine

The are two  basic drivers of true and impactful Diversity Equity and Inclusion strategies.

They say that the journey to social parity, in particular, in the work place, begins at the top with leadership (or when you’re summoned to HR). It actually doesn’t start there. It begins with the self… YOU.

Leadership either stifles the concept of DEI, or it fuels the internal cultural judgment and undermining of colleagues.

Here are the two behavioral pillars to inspire a shift in thinking and doing. They create positive ripple effects that elevate others (and yourself because you will then become a high-value person).

  1. Empathy:

    Leaning into your conscience to connect with your innate knowing of what is right and wrong. When people care and are curious to know and understand the journey of another, there is only one outcome… respect. And if you respect somebody, it becomes very hard to undermine or belittle them. Having respect, levels the playing field because it means you see and honor the other person’s existence. They call this Sawubona in Zulu. If you want to learn about Sawubona, I talk about it my newest book, PINK IS THE COLOR OF EMPATHY.

  2. Awareness:

    Knowing that “love” can’t be legislated makes you the sole entity responsible for your choices and actions. In other words, your conscience shouldn’t need laws, rules, regulations or policy to drive your behavior. We are all responsible for our choices and actions. It’s the accountability and lack of emotional intelligence that is the hurdle.

HR or the executive team can only provide guidance as to appropriate social behavior in your organization or company. Those guidelines fortunately have consequences when negated. They promote accountability but are not the “pill” unto themselves.

Are you truly honoring and implementing the ultimate intentions of DEI initiatives? Only you know that answer. Adjust accordingly as there is always room for growth and improvement.

The element of effective COMMUNICATION is what brings it together. LEARN MORE

Vital Germaine

President of ENGAGE Teams 360