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Las Vegas
United States

702 523 1792

ENGAGE: Cirque-Inspired team building experiences, employee training and keynotes - For keynotes, trainings or workshops contact us at or 702. 523 1792


Vital Germaine provides content rich blogs with tips and tools to help you and your organization move forward.


The 7 C's of Championship-Winning Teams

Vital Germaine

1. Communication: there are no effective relationships/teams without effective communication.

2. Caring: making people feel safe, valued and honored.

be curious to know or learn about others, inspiring CONNECTION

3. Commitment: being dedicated to a cause, goal or objective without

losing focus

4. Commonality: focusing on our similarities not our differences -

5. Creativity: the ability to adapt and problem-solving by being curious.

6. Collaboration: the act of working with someone to produce or

create something.

7. Character: the mental or moral qualities distinctive to an

individual and their contribution to a community.

Vital Germaine, President of ENGAGE Teams 360