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702 523 1792

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Vital Germaine provides content rich blogs with tips and tools to help you and your organization move forward.


5 Pillars That Inspire Customer Loyalty

Vital Germaine

Inspiring Customer Loyalty is a lot cheaper and impactful than short-term thinking and gimmicks that may drive immediate sales, but means your competing with everybody to have the better deal. Customer loyalty means, they will stay even if it's cheaper across the street. Think of your favorite brand (hairdresser etc). What keeps you going back?

Trader Joe’s does it right. It has the kindest, friendliest team, company culture ever. It’s evident they have:

1. Taken the time to recruit the right talent and effectively onboard.

2. Heavily invested in the training of their employees.

3. Clearly defined their culture, vision and mission beyond carefully chosen words that sound great on paper. Core values are a way of life not a theory.

4. Care about the customer and employee experience.

5. Not compromised their core values to accommodate quick profits, but rather establish customer loyalty through providing a consistent caring and kind customer experience... with a personal (human) touch.

At ENGAGE Teams 360 we help organizations build and design happier, more caring teams through our “engaging” impactful fun trainings and workshops.

Vital Germaine, President ENGAGE Teams 360 and Keynote Speaker