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Filtering by Tag: Employee Development

A Common Overlooked Organizational Growth Opportunity with Employees

Vital Germaine

What drives, inspires and motivates team members to reach higher and hit the target?

No, I mean really, what is their deepest, most defining/preserving emotional and psychological need?

It is something organizations often ignore or forget to invest in.

I’ve spent the best part of the last ten years delivering employee trainings for such companies as United Airlines and BMW. The focus has been on elevating KPIs (Key Performance Indexes) or OKR’s (Objective Key Results), culture, competencies, customer service, efficiency and productivity (which are great), and reinforcing company core values. The ultimate short-term goals are”always” elevating profits and brand strength.

Let’s take a quick look into standard anatomy of the OKR framework. See image below.


OBJECTIVES: goals that inspire and set direction (where do I need to go?)

KEY RESULTS: steps that measure progress toward a goal (how do I know I’m getting there?)

INITIATIVES: tasks required to drive progress of key results (what will I do to get there?)

These types of organizational frameworks/trainings bring incredible value. HOWEVER…

Applying this same framework to individual and personalized growth is the long-term differentiator. See image below, in particular the STAR - add personal objectives .

Investing in an employees’ personal development/objectives makes them better human beings. Good human beings are good employees. By identifying, recognizing and investing in individuality (personal aspirations/needs/expectations), and helping team members understand the essence of who they are as individuals is a long-term win-win investment.

The best leaders not only train for growth, they inspire growth!

One of the best ways to inspire any human is to SEE them. Actually “seeing” somebody is potentially the highest form of respect we can give. This elevates and empowers people to reach higher.

Give them the tools to not only learn and understand company core values, but also identify and understand their own core values. Help them see who they are themselves and how as individuals they can best fit and contribute to the company vision and mission. Help the become the best version of themselves not just the best employee. Who are THEY? What do they really WANT? What do they NEED?

Employees are rarely driven by money alone. It’s deeper than that. Money is only a conduit to attain what is truly desired and needed. The true answer to self-actualization (Maslo’s hierarchy of needs) lies deeper than money, promotion or remote work (flexibility).

Help team members have the confidence to discover themselves and know themselves. It's scary to look thyself in the eyes until you see your own soul for all its glories and fears. Down there, deeply hidden in the foundations of true their character lies the answer to who they really are and who/what they really want to be. Help them get their and they will reach higher.

It might take them and the organization a minute to truly SEE themselves! It might take years for them to discover the true self, but the journey is worth it. The investment in personal development in the workplace pays high dividends.

The reflection they will see, the self awareness they will develop, will connect them to a strong sense of purpose. Think Simon Sinek’s “Start With Why.” If that purpose aligns with your core values, vision and mission, then you have a star employee whose productivity and efficiency will soar. That mindset is contagious. It INSPIRES.

The better we know ourselves, the better we can optimize our lives. The better we can optimize our own lives, the more value we can bring to the lives of others.

In Chapter 20 of my book, THINK LIKE AN ARTIST, I share a very impactful self-discovery activity to truly give the individual a starting point to dig deeper into who they are and what drives them.

Who are you really?

My other creativity book titled, INNOVATION MINDSET is the business/leadership equivalent of THINK LIKE AN ARTIST. Request more information about my signature creativity workshop/keynote. At ENGAGE Teams 360, we love to inspire and empower through our highly interactive, fun, informative and transformational content.

Vital Germaine,

President ENGAGE Teams 360

Optimizing Innovation

Vital Germaine

Innovation is a beautiful and necessary thing to keep any business or organization relevant.But it has to be done right and at the opportune time. Otherwise, it can be a black hole that sucks the life out of your financial resources, your time, and your passion, with a negative impact on your consumer base.

It is crucial to find a healthy balance between that which is new and different, and that which is misunderstood or too far ‘out there’. Despite all the insight and advice I give to Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies as a keynote speaker, consultant and trainer, regarding the INNOVATION MINDSET, things like; take risks, be absurd in your thinking, the objective is always to optimize the success rate of creativity in the workplace.

Innovation Mindset Keynote

If something is TOO different, it will invite fear and resistance; alienation.

If it is not new enough, it will not inspire excitation; same ol’ same ol’.

Let’s talk Alienation

If an invention, a new product or an improved service is too extreme for the market to comprehend, it will alienate the consumer base. Why? Because those consumers won’t understand this new and different thing that you are proposing. Not to mention, humans, for the most part, don’t like change, let alone drastic or radical change. They panic: fight, flight or freeze. If you have enough time or money to educate your audience, then go for it. Patience and long-term planning pay dividends.

To avoid alienation, you’ll need to place your finger on your customers’ purchasing pulse. What are their needs, expectations and desires… and of course, pain points? If you make it too different, you’ve simply added a new pain point; steep learning curve. Anybody remember Microsoft’s Vista?

Next part of the equation is understanding how informed your base is? And maybe the most important questions is, are they ready for this new thing? Lets’ not forget the element of timing. Think of the movie industry who have to determine when to release a movie. In general, product launches are carefully mapped out following extensive marketing research. Release it too soon and people laugh or run. Release it too late, and you are now no longer first to market. You’re simply a follower jumping on the bandwagon; which sometimes works a treat because it allows you to improve on the innovation.

Really pay attention to the marketplace during your ideation and R&D. Invest in understanding people; socio-economic climate, financial climate, and most definitely… trends. Don’t you dare deny trends. Every now and again, something does come along that is radically different, goes against the trend grain, and is not initially understood, yet, it eventually takes over like wildfire. Think of companies like Cirque du Soleil, Tesla, Apple and Virgin. They were all first to market, they all revolutionized their industries. Though not without resistance. Again, time and money!

Let’s not forget the negative side of the innovation graph. Some inventions or creations that were innovative but didn’t really do the research fail miserably. Failure is not bad, btw. It’s costly when risks are careless. 

For those of you who are older than Millennials, you may remember the VHS / Betamax wars. Betamax, actually had the better technology; superior resolution (250 lines vs. 240 lines), better sound, and a more stable image. Why did they not dominate and kill VHS? They didn’t understand the market. Betamax.

The “quickie” version of this tale is, porn. Yep, porn video rentals at the back of the store where men discretely shopped. Some will say it was due to the length of sports games. Betamax tapes could only record 60 minutes. VHS, 120 minutes. The word on the street is that because Betamax didn’t allow porn on its platform, men got accustomed to VHS. True or not? Either way, the moral of the story is, know the market and consumer behaviors. Create and adapt accordingly.

Do a deeper dive into the INNOVATION MINDSET… buy the book today!

Let’s talk excitation

When innovation is on time, at the right price and correctly distributed, it will excite people. Excitement is based on experiencing something new, yet relatable… and keeping up with the trends (and the Jones’). Some traditional and established companies don’t push too much for innovation, though they won’t stay completely static either. Rolls Royce doesn’t exactly bring out a new model every couple of years. Yet they have remained relevant and significant. Unlike Harley Davidson, unfortunately. They have experienced 5 straight years of dropped sales of up to 5.2% - with shares falling 4.3% to $33.37.

Companies must think ahead in order to appeal to new generations, even if the brand wishes to remain traditional. Expectations change. Standard change. Styles change… therefore so must product, services and customer experience adapt.

Keeping your audience excited will inspire repeat business. Apple are geniuses at this, though we are all waiting for the next best thing since sliced bread or the iPod. Besides an investment from Microsoft, the Iphone is given credit for not only saving Apple, but for propelling it the first publicly traded $ trillion company on the planet (2018). It has since doubled that in 2020. In big part because they are continually striving to innovate and excite.


Vital Germaine


Top-Selling Author: BUY THE BOOKS

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Cultural Diversity, why is it not working?

Vital Germaine

One of the most powerful lessons I've learned about diversity is when I Naturalized and became a US Citizen in 1999.

During the ceremony, the judge declared that becoming American did not mean you were no longer your previous nationality. It wasn't a question of "you're either with us or against us." Your old culture can co-exist with your new nationality (on paper) in this wonderful country.

I more recently had the honor to emcee and deliver a keynote for the "Celebrating Our Leaders" event. Here's why it was so impactful and relevant.

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They had attendees from an assortment of nations; Zimbabwe, Australia, South Africa, The Netherlands, Malaysia, The Philippines, Belgium, Germany and the United Kingdom. 

It completely illustrated what it should look, taste and feel like. If only the world could replicate this harmonious coming together of differences. 

Everybody seemed to on the same page with a common goal, a common purpose, and a collective desire that brought them together regardless of their color, creed, socio-economic background or gender. Their commonalities made it a United Nations in harmony. It was a question of seeing, recognizing and acknowledging each other for our differences.

One of the South Africans shared a Zulu greeting, Sawubona, which in essence translates to “I see you.” Sawubona is also infused with the belief that when others “see” me, then I exist. Empathy is the ultimate form of seeing somebody and telling them, “Sawubona.” This encounter taught me much.

I realized that diversity is not a corporate program or a politically correct implementation strategy.

The truest and most authentic form of diversity is an organic, natural event based on individual open-mindedness, understanding, empathy, respect and consideration of differences. It's a personal responsibility. Make the choice to be culturally, socially, ethnically and religiously encompassing.

Humans innately know right from wrong without the need for corporate programs and government regulations.

All good humans understand the value of equality, respect, recognition and appreciation. The true "program" begins in our homes with our children and ourselves. 

This does not detract from the noble attempts of corporate America to improve the concept of cultural diversity. I believe that diversity programs are having a positive influence and that it should be continued, promoted and pushed.  However, it is best not implemented in the form of policy. Diversity should be organically and subconsciously filtered into a culture as a default setting. 

How do we achieve this utopian objective?


In regards to the workplace. It starts at the executive level. The diversity platform is based on the philosophical behavioral foundations that leadership acts out and lives by.  C-suite executives are still too monochromatic and one dimensional in appearance and philosophy. When change is implemented from the top, then everybody who falls under that influence, will organically follow because it feels right and is indeed the right way to behave. Changing that lob-sided dynamic would have an exponential ripple effect. It's a massive challenge for the old-guard to relinquish the power of status quo. Until they do, change will be incremental and painfully ineffective. 

The notion of "equal but different" must have a pulse fueled by loving hearts that have at their core the blood of compassion and empathetic desire for a better world.

Perhaps I have a diversity "advantage" over many and the concept comes easy to me because of my eclectic background. I am a Belgian National, born in the Democratic Republic of Congo, who got to live the American dream by way of a French-Canadien circus (Cirque du Soleil). My parents are bi-racial and I have lived on 3 separate continents and in 5 different countries. I speak 3 languages fluently. Nonetheless, it remains a choice to live with an open and non-judgmental attitude.

We musn't wait until our species encounters a common enemy from beyond the stars to realize the power of unity woven together by variety and inclusion.

The world will inevitably become diverse. Embrace it and take personal responsibility to speed up that process.

Thank you, dankie, terimah kashi, merci, asante, kosonomon, bayerla, danke schoen, shye shye, grazie, spacibo, gracias, Ngiyabonga, bedankt. Sawubona to you all.

Vital Germaine is the top-selling author and Las Vegas's most dynamic keynote speaker and trainer. For more in Vital